Reality check

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Since they found out how compatible they were in bed together they spent the next month having sex as often as they could. The three other boys put the earplugs that Niall had bought into good use.

They had woken up the morning after their first time together agreeing they should be friends with benefits as long as they were fake dating, considering neither of them could date someone else at the moment.

They still did other stuff as well. They still had school, homework, and of course the lads. But they were both secretly craving the nights when they could surrender themselves to each other completely.

Neither of them had spared Dylan a single thought since that frat party a month ago. They were both shocked when reality came crashing down on them.

They had a lunch break at the same time on Wednesdays. Harry had pushed Louis against a wall to kiss him. Because that was something they did now. They kissed as soon as they got a chance no matter who was watching and most importantly when Dylan wasn't watching.

Someone cleared his voice behind them. They ignored it at first, too caught up in each other. When they heard the familiar "Hey babe" they broke loose and turned to face Dylan.
"I'm kind of busy." Louis snapped.

"Yeah, I can see that. Good for you." Dylan smirked.

"What do you want?" Harry asked coldly.

Dylan sighed.
"I just wanted to say goodbye. I've dropped out of school. Moving back to Donny."

"Oh? Oh!" Louis' heart dropped when he realized what that meant. Harry didn't have to pose as his fake boyfriend anymore.
"Bye. Take care."

"You too Louis. I'm sorry, okay?" Dylan responded and turned around and walked away.

Louis stared at the ground.
"So that's it then, isn't it? You don't have to pose as my fake boyfriend anymore. You're free."

"Yeah...uhm..." Harry responded.

There was an awkward silence between them. Louis felt like he was dying inside. He forced himself to look at Harry.
", thanks for doing that for me. I guess I'll see you around. I... Ehm... I have to get to class now."

Harry was staring at him with an unreadable facial expression.
"Yeah...see you..."

Louis nodded his head and turned around and walked away. Tears were burning in his eyes and they started to fall as soon as he rounded the corner of a building. He didn't go to class. He headed straight home and cried his heart out.

Harry also went home. He laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was in shock.

He could hear the boys get home after a couple of hours. When he didn't come out for dinner there was a knock on the door. Harry mumbled a "come in" and the door swung open. Zayn was looking at him.
"Dinner's ready. Where's Lou?"

"I don't know." Harry answered truthfully.

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows.
"What do you mean you don't know? You two are joined by the hip."

"Yeah...I need to tell you guys something." Harry gulped.

"Okay? Living room?" Zayn asked confused.

"Yeah." Harry answered.

Zayn walked away and Harry took a deep breath and got out of bed. He stepped into the living room. The guys were waiting for him so he took a seat.

"Ehm, so there's no me and Louis. I was just helping him out." Harry started.

The boys stared at him, confusion written all over their faces.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked.

"I pretended to be his boyfriend." Harry answered.

"What? Just tell us everything from the beginning." Liam suggested.

"Right. The beginning..." Harry took a deep breath and ruffled his hair.
"When we were at that frat party a couple of months ago Louis came running up to me all of a sudden and hugged me. He begged me to pretend that I was his boyfriend. Dylan was chasing after him and I helped him out that night and walked him home. I thought that would be it."

"Okay?" Zayn said slowly.

"Yeah, but then a couple of days later I saw him again and that dickhead Dylan was bothering him. I mean, you guys were there. That was the day you 'found out' I had a boyfriend." Harry made quotation marks in the air.

"Are you telling us that you're not actually bisexual?" Liam questioned.

"No, no, of course, I am. Just, Louis wasn't really my boyfriend. I couldn't help but step in when I saw that Dylan was in his face and that Louis didn't want him there. I just reacted without thinking. When you guys left I talked to Louis and offered to play his boyfriend for a while until Dylan would leave him alone." Harry sighed.

"Why didn't you guys just tell us that then?" Zayn asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Louis was scared of Dylan and what he might do if he found out it was a lie and I... I mean, you guys would stop nagging me about dating someone, so it sounded like a good solution at the moment. We agreed to keep it between the two of us."

"But you guys slept together. Come on, we heard you all the time!" Liam said.

Harry blushed.
"Not in the beginning. Our first kiss was the one here when you guys asked us to. And like, Dylan kept on bugging him so we kept up the act. I'm not gonna deny that we had sex later on. It kind of just happened and then we decided to be friends with benefits until we could date other people."

The boys shared looks but didn't comment.

"So, today Dylan informed us that he dropped out of school. He's moving back to Doncaster so that's it. He won't bother Louis any longer so I don't have to be the fake boyfriend anymore. It's over. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about all of this." Harry mumbled.

There was a silence before Niall opened his mouth for the first time during the conversation.

"What?" Harry stared at his friend with big eyes.

Niall rolled his eyes.
"That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard."

"It's the truth." Harry answered, sounding defeated.

"Yeah, yeah, I get that the whole fake boyfriend thing was your intention in the beginning but don't tell me you're not in love with Louis." Niall grinned.

"Uhm...what?" Harry sounded confused.

"You, my friend are head over heels for that boy. You have to be fucking blind not to notice it. You fell in love with him and fast if I may add." Niall answered.

Liam and Zayn nodded their heads with big smiles on their faces. Harry returned their smiles.
"Yeah, I'm in love with him. Like really, fucking in love. At least I think so, It's not like I have something to compare with. But I never felt like this with anyone. The butterflies are a constant reminder."

"So why are you sitting here with us? Where's Louis?" Liam smiled.

"We ended our fake relationship. He's not in love with me."

"Has he actually said that?" Zayn questioned.

"No, but like, that was the agreement." Harry wrinkled his eyebrows.

"You're such a moron Harry! You two might have started off with a fake relationship but that changed quickly. He loves you too. There's no way he isn't as in love with you as you are with him. He looks at you like you are a freaking God. You can see the love between the two of you miles away." Niall got really worked up during his love speech and was jumping up and down on the sofa.

"You think so?" Harry asked hopefully. A smile lingered on his lips.

"We know so! Go get your man back!" Zayn shouted.

"Fuck! Of course! God...ehm... where're my shoes?" Harry jumped up from the sofa and started to run around like a confused chicken.

The boys chuckled and helped him put his shoes and jacket on and Harry ran out the door.

Niall turned to the boys with a grin.
"We did good guys!"

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