Chapter 1:The beginning

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Austin's POV: got woken up by my mom. Then I got dressed,then ate cereal. It was a school,a Friday. So,I was excited. I went outside to catch my bus like my siblings who went out a couple minutes ago. It was cold. Then I was signalled to go inside,I started to take my Winter jacket off. I put the only thing I had,My lunch can,since. I left everything in school,my book bag/Back Packs,my other lunch can,Snow pants,so on,so forth. So,I layed it on the table,took off my boots and came in. I layed my coot on a chair. I was told that my bus was delayed by 20 minutes. My mom needed help with baking,so,I spent my minutes,helping her. I woke up 7:00am and I went out 7:58 am. I waited for around 10 minutes. My chin felt like an iceberg was attached to my chin. IT WAS COLD! Well,it felt like an iceberg when the bus came. I went up the three stairs when the door opens and I was informed by the bus driver,Jennie. That the lights were not working. I went to go sit down in the 3rd last seat. Nothing happened like usual. We made to a stop. A boy came on. I knew his name. It was Jackson(Yes,the author is BiSexual,so I like girls and boys.). He was cute,shorter then me but I was one of the tallest,so. He sat down diagonal from me(so,front of me then you would turn left.). I wanted till I got to School.

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