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First Chapter,just so if you don't remember:Austin's POV: got woken up by my mom. Then I got dressed,then ate cereal. It was a school,a Friday. So,I was excited. I went outside to catch my bus like my siblings who went out a couple minutes ago. It was cold. Then I was signalled to go inside,I started to take my Winter jacket off. I put the only thing I had,My lunch can,since. I left everything in school,my book bag/Back Packs,my other lunch can,Snow pants,so on,so forth. So,I layed it on the table,took off my boots and came in. I layed my coot on a chair. I was told that my bus was delayed by 20 minutes. My mom needed help with baking,so,I spent my minutes,helping her. I woke up 7:00am and I went out 7:58 am. I waited for around 10 minutes. My chin felt like an iceberg was attached to my chin. IT WAS COLD! Well,it felt like an iceberg when the bus came. I went up the three stairs when the door opens and I was informed by the bus driver,Jennie. That the lights were not working. I went to go sit down in the 3rd last seat. Nothing happened like usual. We made to a stop. A boy came on. I knew his name. It was Jackson(Yes,the author is BiSexual,so I like girls and boys.). He was cute,shorter then me but I was one of the tallest,so. He sat down diagonal from me(so,front of me then you would turn left.). I wanted till I got to School.

Second Chapter,Austin's POV:I get to school usually at 8:17 but when I went inside of the school,IT WAS 8:40! I got into my inside wear besides my Christmas hat we were supposed to wear that day. I went in the Classroom and I went to sit at my desk. Again,nothing happened. We did some subjects till 10:45,which is our recess time. I was eating till maybe 10:50 then I played hand Hockey with my friends. It was great! I then did I think,uh Socials! That's what!  We were doing a paper foldable about Nubia(Search it up). But,I left around 11:50 because I went with my friend to play cards with him. I returned at 12:00 to a Nubia classroom. We were called down for a Senior card.We did what we had to do. Then Lunch happened. I got my lunch order and got my food. I sat down at my table. We were playing Broken Telephone,it was my turn. I whispered"There's a party in my mix." And someone said it to me,they said"there's a party in my brick." The person besides me said that she heard something way different. The person besides her told me what he got."There's a party in my private part(if you know what that means you can say that instead.)" I knew what he said really. "There's a party in my d*ck." The girl kept on saying that she never heard the mix part. I went outside and One person annoyed me. My Crush. I kept on faking to punch him. I said that I was going to kill him. He kept on saying"there's a party in my d*ck. I kept calm tho,since,I was going inside. I went to my locker to find out that we were going outside again. I forgot about it,so. I put my stuff back on. I went in the classroom. Sat down. Me and someone were going around when Jackson came up and said the same thing. See,the thing is that he thought I said there's a party in my d*ck but I didn't. To the person I was talking to,I said"I'm going to kill him". As a joke. He understood what I meant,it was a joke. Jackson said it again. I fake punched him. We left school to go to the playground(the teachers treat.) I went to the swings with my friends. I sat near Jackson. He said it one or two times at the start. I started moving my swing,sideways to hit him. Both of us were joking around.We lined up to go back into school. We were near the school when he said it three more times. I packed up my stuff,got on the bus and went home... Authors note:If you want,I can make this book into a book where I tell story's. Or you can tell me your story's And I can put them into this book. If anything happens on Monday(tomorrow.) I will make a Chapter four because this is happening to me in 2019(December) so yeah. Bye!

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