Chapter 3

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This a joke but there will be a sequel to that chapter. Maybe. I think that I have lost interest In a four way series. Yes,four ways. I have a series of I'm the guy!,Fnaf is first(Which is done.),Fnaf is back and Bonnie x Freddy|the hidden love. It's getting to the amount where I have to take a break from the story's.. Plus I have another story. The HORRIBLE day(this one) is also something that I am writing. To the amount that I am putting more and more pressure on myself that I'm going to collapse. I had the idea when I'm the guy was made to make a series so I went with it. Since I'm The Guy is the prequel to Bonnie x Freddy and Fnaf is first is a sequel to I'm the Guy and Fnaf is back is a sequel to Fnaf is first. I have too much story's. By the way about the break,I will only make TINY chapters(for every book) so that I can update the books but You have to wait every day just to get new chapters for all of the books. If I have a bigger thing to write then I will write it. Just hope that I do not give up. Ethan out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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