They want who?

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Shino looks on my shoulders. Her expression grows wide with relief.

"Kota! You're okay!" Just then I see a figure behind her stand up. I push her out of the way causing her to fall over. Then I give a rough upper cut to who ever that figure was causing them to spit blood on my face before falling back to the ground.

I wipe my face. "Gross."

The guy jumps back up stumbling. "I'm gonna make it simple for you. Come with us and bring you little blond friend with you and no one else gets hurt."

I punch him square in the nose. Then I squat and sweep my right leg against his ankle. Cause then to fall. I stand up and put my foot against his chest.

"How stupid do you think I am to negotiate with terrorists." Shino gets up and grabs my arm trying to shift the weight off my leg.

"Are you crazy? You're going to break his ribs!" I roll my eyes and gently take Kota off my shoulders.

"Yeah I'm gonna murder him. Of course I'm not crazy. I just need to knock him out." I crack one of his ribs and hear him scream out in pain. "Don't worry he'll go into shock and won't even feel a thing."

And with that the screams stop. "You can't just do that in front of a kid!"

"Yeah, Yeah. I might get kidnapped but think of the children." I shake my head and try to recoup. "Sorry broski I lost my chill right there. I'ma go look for Kacchan."

I start running through the forest when I hear her yell back. "THEY'RE AFTER YOU AND WHO IS KACCHAN?!"

I mentally face palm myself for calling him Kacchan.

If I know Kacchan and I do. He's going to fight no matter what. Then I hear a voice go off in my head.

Attention everyone. The intruders seems looking for Midoryia and someone named Kacchan. Please protect them at all costs.

I can't believe she just called him Kacchan. That's our thing. I don't need protecting.

No time to think about that now I gotta get rid of... 'this'. What is 'this' well it happens to be a massive arson attack on the woods.

It's pretty hard to miss. Especially when I'm automatically attracted to fire.

This fire in particular was especially hot. It was blue. I haven't been able to recreate a fire that hot except for...

Never mind. I start trying to let the fire disperse in the air by lifting it up. It was light but there was so much of it that I was getting tired.

I need to figure out where this fire is coming from. Luckily I ended up finding the person who was causing it.

A man with dark black hair, piercing blue eyes, and purple skin that had been stretched back with staples. Not to mention he looked...

"Homeless people light dumpsters on fire not forest on fire. Who are you?"

He sighs and looks over at me with this bored and slightly amused expression before taking his hand off the branch.

"Big talk." He starts running away into the forest and I follow him.

This guy isn't stupid he knows about my quirk. As he's running he's setting all the other trees on fire.

So I do the only thing I can which is create a fire wall around us.

"I-It's o-ver Dabi. Y-You- Give me a second to catch my breath." Yes those were inhaled and not stutters. He looks at me in surprise.

"I never told you my name." I swallow down the saliva from from running before speaking.

"I may have been piss drunk but we both know that isn't your name. Right T-"

Just then I get cut off by Aizawa wrapping me up in bandages and pulling me out of the fire.

"Midoryia what do you think you're doing?!" I wipe the spit of my face.

"Trying to stop the homeless arsonist." He shakes his head.

"Go find Bakugo and try to reason with him. Without you I'm pretty sure he'd try to go on his own."

I want to argue. Mr. Aizawa is strong and even though I beat All Might in a fight I don't know if I would be able to beat him but, then again my quirk is more suited to this fight then his. I instead try to ignore my judgement and nod.

After about a minute of running and my lungs burning I give myself a Mario style jump boost and look for a gathering of people. To the right and about 100ft over is just what I'm looking for.

So naturally I give myself a none Mario style speed boost. Only to step in front of my friends. Then Ochaco speaks up.

"Deku they got Bakugo we managed to get Tokoyami back but-"

Then an insane girl with messy buns runs towards me with this weird contraption on her neck and a bunch of knives.

"Hey Izuku! I'm Toga." Out of instinctual reaction I pull out the switch blade from my pocket.

Then I use the knife to redirect both of her wrist to my right, then I pop her straight in the nose and kick her back. That causes her to roll back to her friends.

"I forgot I had this." Her face then goes to something a kin to a yandere.

"Wow beating Mr.Stainy and knowing how to use guns. He's the full package." She then wipes her nose that has began to drip blood.

What they didn't notice I made it behind them. Which consisted of a man wearing a full black suit spouting random garbage. Another man wearing a full black suit who desperately needs braces and the guy who I'm behind.

I'll admit what I did next I'm not proud of but, he seemed like the biggest threat so I may have actually opened the switch blade then stabbed him then slashed straight into his back.

"I came here to semi-enjoy my brake. Now I'm gonna brake you for wasting my time. I kick the guy in the back to pull out the knife. If that Toga girl wasn't injured I have no doubt in my mind that she would try to make out with me.

The guy drops a blue orb and that when Kacchan pops out of it. "Kacchan!"

I try to run to him before I was knocked out by a man named spinner. From what I heard he used the of back one of his swords to knock me out.

Now what happened next is from my boyfriend's perspective.

I open my eyes to see Kermit's slimy tongue closer to the rest of my classmates.

"W-Where's Deku?" I didn't fight that much so why do I feel so weak. I raise my gaze to see even more villains and Deku.

I look at the guy who is holding him and say this, "Your over grown lizard looking, crusty looking, teenage mutant ninja turtles looking ass, better hand Deku over before I come over three and destroy you!"

Deku is limp mostly unconscious due to the fact he has a very pretty sleeping face. The a guy who looks like he walked through a staple factory comes in.

"I don't think you want to take another step forward." Then a purple cloud of mist appeared behind them and then a crusty mother fucker wrapped his hands around Deku's neck.

"You want him to live don't you?" The crusty bitch then pulled Deku into the portal with all of his bitch ass goons.

"DEKU NO!" I have round face holding me back before the smoke dissipates. I drop to my knees. "No, please no."

That was the first time I've ever cried in front of someone who wasn't Deku.

A/N the story minus the A/N there are 1317 words, and was published December 25, 2019. Merry Chrysler I know it's been a little over a month but I was feeling a little in inspired but, that's okay I'm back on the grind and also will be regularly post on my new demon slayer book where a do the same thing I did to Izuku to Tanjirou.

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