Chapter 2: Reunited

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Days passed by and time flowed quickly. It's been almost three years since Yukari left the country while Nanami continue to strive hard in her everyday life. They kept in touch and called each other once a month, both was too busy especially Yukari who is currently helping her father manage their company which is inclined in fashion industry.

"Louis? Is father in his office? I would like to speak with him." Yukari said as she stared at the door connecting towards the office of his father. Louis nodded and told her to wait outside.

Even though she was his daughter he treated her coldly like she was an outsider. Oh! How she wished to go back and live in Japan with her mother again.

Yukari paced back and forth waiting for Louis. Few minutes passed by the door opened revealing the person she was waiting for.

"You may come in, Lady Yukari." he said. Her worried face turned into a relaxed one as she checked herself not wanting to have the least imperfection in her body or his father would definitely scold her.

She went inside and walk gracefully like she was taught how to. His father was sitting at the far end of the room with a pen in his right hand and lots of paper works in his desk.

"What is it? Speak." his cold voice echoed throughout the large elegant room.

"Father, you know... i've been wanting to ask you. It's been three years since I left my homeland and... I wish to return and live once again with my mother. Will you allow me?" Yukari spoke as soon as she took a seat on the nearby couch. She tried her best not to say any vulgar words or h

"You may return but in one condition." Yukari's eyes sparkled in joy as she smiled but once she heared there was price to pay a sweat trickled down her forehead. Her father wasn't the type of guy to give things for free.






"I'm home..." she whispered to herself as she removed the sunglasses. The cool wind gently brushed against her pinkish white skine as she took a deep breath savoring the familiar scent of Japan while behind her, men and women in black was seen. It was his father's doing after all.

"Louis. Tell them to disperse or change their clothings. I mean, my hair is enough to stand out already I don't need more attention!" she half yelled at Louis his father assigned him to be her personal assistant. Louis heaved a sigh as he waved his hands. The men and women wearing the same black uniform dispersed.

Yukari finally felt relieved as they headed straight towards a black limo awaiting for them.

"Let's head first in Ujigami High School. I have someone to visit." Yukari didn't leave the car window as she stared outside the familiar scenery. It was still beautiful as it was three years ago.

It didn't took long enough to reach the said school. Students and passersby watched in awe as an expensive limo stopped infront of the school. As Yukari stepped outside some of them gasped after all she has a rare appearance.

"Louis, you should probably head back now i'll be home before sundown." she assured her personal assistant. Louis heaved another sigh he couldn't say no after all Yukari was his master.

The limo soon faded away from sight as Yukari stepped inside the school grounds. Wherever she went eyes were set upon her which made it a little bit akward for her to move around the way she wanted.

"Excuse me, do you know Momozono Nanami?" she randomly asked a short orange red haired girl. She was definitely cute.

"Oh! A-Are you friends with N-Nanami-chan?" Yukari immediately knew she was a shy type of girl. A friendly eye closed smile appeared on her face as she nodded.

The girl slightly blushed.

"Ah! W-Well... w-w-would y-you l-like me t-to t-t-take y-you t-to h-her?" she asked scrambling her words out which made Yukari chuckle from her cute reaction. "I would love to. What's your name by the way? I'm Auchiha Yukari by the way, Yukari will be fine." she asked.

"Uhm... Nekota Ami... y-you can call me Ami.." she answered still blushing. Yukari followed her towards the upper floor stopping infront of Room 2-B.

She gently slided the door in half calling Nanami inside. Few seconds later the door fully opened revealing a brown haired girl. Yukari's eyes sparkled in joy as Nanami locked eyes into her with the same expression.

"Yukari-chan! You're back!" Nanami exclaimed as they did the bestfriend handshake.

"The one and only! I miss you so much! Nanami-chan!" the two shared a friendly hug as they squealed in joy.

"Thank you, Ami for bringing me here." Yukari said. Ami blushed for the third time before she excused herself.

Yukari thought she was just shy as she let out a chuckle, Ami's reaction was definitely adorable as she was.

"Waaah! We have a lot of catching up to do! Are you going to stay here for good?" Nanami asked with an 'i'm-excited' expression. Yukari couldn't help but to laugh after all they haven't seen each other for three years.

"Yes. I'm going to stay here for good!" the news made Nanami squeal as she jump while holding Yukari's warm hands.

"Couldn't this day get any better!" Nanami said but soon afterwards the hallway went noisy as they heared running and shouting.

Yukari's eyes were wide open in suprise, an ostrich was being chased by a blue fire. Just in time when Ami appeared on the opposite side carrying a tower of papers in her hands. Her body acted on its own as she pushed Ami away.


It was the last thing she remembered before she fell hard on the ground as darkness consumed her.

• Yukari • Kamisama Hajimemashita Fan-Fic ♡Where stories live. Discover now