LeftXRight - part 4 FINAL

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The two ran onto the train, laughing. They didn't know where they were going or even where they wanted to end up. Eventually, they found themselves getting off at Shibuya Station. They entered the shopping district, first entering a hardware store to remove their bracelets. Next, they entered a clothing store.

Rin left the store wearing a baby blue sleeveless dress with a yellow cardigan over it. Lore sported faded washed jeans and a Versaach brand t-shirt under a green zip-up hoody. Afterwards, they strolled along the streets of Shibuya while holding hands, laughing as they went. They stopped at a café for a bite to eat before going to a movie. Neither of them could remember what the movie was about once they had left.

Shortly after the movie had ended, the sun left the sky. Along with the appearance of night came the disappearance of the color that had been injected into Lore's eyes and Rin's hair. The two headed to the nearby park, still holding hands. They found a bench and laid down together. Lore wrapped his arms around Rin to keep her warm.

"This okay?" Lore asked cautiously. He felt Rin nod her head under his chin.

From his peripheral vision he watched the stars appear one by one above him. He wondered about the future. Would it always be like this, now that they'd run away? Would every day be filled with the joy he had experienced today? Where would the two of them go next? He couldn't help feeling like tomorrow was too far away.

"Hey, Lore. Whatcha thinking about?" Rin asked suddenly. Lore thought carefully about his answer.

"The future." Was what he decided upon. "I was just thinking how great today was and how great tomorrow will be. I never thought I could be this happy, to be honest. Makes me wonder why we didn't run away sooner!"

Lore laughed. Rin remained silent. After a minute had passed, Rin muttered almost too quietly for Lore to make out, "Um... Yeah. Hey Lore, there's something I need to tell you-"

"Well that will have to wait," Okada interrupted. He was standing near the park's entrance, dressed in the headquarters standard black uniform. Surrounding him was a legion of fellow staff dressed in the same uniform, donning various forms of weaponry slung over their shoulders.

"You have two choices," Okada started, "either you can come with me now in a peaceful fashion or-" the goons surrounding him raised their guns "-we can use another method to take you two back. The choice is yours."

Lore looked at Okada. "How did you find us?"

Okada snorted. "Those bracelets have a built-in tracking device, which you two conveniently threw away next to that hardware store. We figured you wouldn't have gone very far. If it wasn't for your predictability, Lore, we probably wouldn't have found you."

Rin and Lore sat up. Rin got up first and started walking towards Okada.

Okada smiled triumphantly. "That's my girl." He said to her, reaching out his hand.

Rin took it and held on for a count of five. Then she quickly turned around, flipping him over her onto the ground. Okada landed on his back hard, crying out mournfully as he did so.

Lore leapt from the bench, landing in the middle of the fray. Immediately, he kicked a gun from one of the staff's hands and threw it to Rin. She caught it and jumped up onto the fountain that was placed in the center of the park. With precise aim, she took down each foe one after the other as Lore engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the remaining targets. Within minutes all thirty or so gunmen had been taken down.

Okada stood up and looked around at his fallen men. He scowled.

Lore smiled at him. "Now what were you saying about taking us back by force? I believe that that may prove difficult, don't you?" From her perch on the fountain, they could hear Rin's laughter echoing off the trees.

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