I'm Very Happy For May and Acro!

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Today, my internet bestie mayennalee announced to me and a few others that she and Acrobolt are officially dating!

I cannot express how happy I am for the new couple because to be honest, myself and a few others such as DreamDanceDo and oracle_of_delphi had been constantly teasing May about it, even as to go far as planning weddings.

For months upon end, we were waiting for their characters to get together but we got something far more special in news. It shocked us, it really did, but I should have known because May that devious little cream puff was hinting at it.

I just want to congratulate you both and I hope you have a long and happy relationship. Treasure every moment, because we'll be supporting you both all the way.

I know, I'm making it sound like you two are getting married but I'm just so emotional right now. One of my non-canon OTP's just became canon and it's... so overwhelming. If you've never had a non-canon OTP and suddenly it turns canon, you would have no idea how I feel like right now.

Oh, and May, if you ever need a bridesmaid or a few, just call The United OTP Bridesmaids Association.

Yes it's a real thing.

Founded by myself, DreamDanceDo and oracle_of_delphi

Congratulations, and we're all going to be here when you need us. Relationship advice and all.

(Though I'll leave that to Nath and Selene)




Oh yeah... I might be writing more about this because Maycrobolt feels are bursting more than ever.

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