Trouble Has Arrived

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"Evangeline?" Peter asked, seeing her from the back of the room.

"Papa," She said, in a normal voice this time. Tears were streaming down her face, and her breathing wasn't doing too good.

"Baby baby baby, you need to breathe. What's wrong?" Peter said, making his way to the front and picking her up.

"Вы снова ушли. Ты не хотел меня. Мне очень жаль, папа. Мне так жаль. Я сделаю лучше Пожалуйста, не оставляй меня." |You left again. You didn't want me. I am so sorry papa. I am so sorry. I'll do better. Please don't leave me.| She cried, burying her face in his shoulder.

"Я не собираюсь уходить. Я обещаю, что всегда вернусь, когда вернусь. Тебе не нужно делать лучше, ты идеален." |I'm not going to leave. I promise I'll always be back when I do. You don't have to do better, you're perfect.|

She seemed to calm down a little, so Peter stepped out into the hall and walked her through breathing exercises that had worked for her in the past week.

Once she calmed down Peter asked, "Did you run here? Does anyone know you're here?"

"Babushka's here. She's yelling at the office people, and I came up to see you because I was panicking," Evangeline explained.

"Does she know you came up here?" Evangeline shook her head, so Peter picked her up and walked back into the classroom. Ignoring his teacher he packed his stuff up and grabbed his bag.

"Peter Parker!" The teacher finally snapped.

"Yes, ma'am?" He asked, polite as always.

"Where do you think you're going and who is that?"

"This is Evangeline, and I'm going to the office because apparently my mom is yelling at them and my mom is scary so like..." Peter just gave her the 'um' face and she just looked confused.

"What?" Was all she said.

"My mom's being scary to the office staff. Gotta go help them," Peter repeated.

"Who's the child?"


"I mean why did she call you Papa? You are way too young to be a father."

"Yet I'm still her dad?" Peter said, but it came out as more of a question. "Anyways, like I said, mom's being scary, gotta go tell her not to be scary."

He just walked out of the room, not waiting for an answer, yet still being yelled at.

"Papa that was mean!" Evangeline scolded, making Peter chuckle a little.

"It was, but right now the people at the office are suffering at the hands of Babushka and we gotta save 'em," Peter told her.

"So it's okay to be mean if it's to help people?" She asked confused. Papa had told her to always be nice.

"It depends on the circumstances, honey. You'll figure it out when you're older, so for now, just be nice."

"Okay," She said simply, thinking about this new information like it was the law.

They almost made it to the office when Peter heard a very recognizable, "Peter?"

"Heeeey Liz," He said awkwardly while turning around.

"Whos that?" She asked.

"This is Evangeline," Peter said simply, trying to get out of what was going on.

"Wanna tell me who Evangeline is?" Liz asked.

After a moment of silence, Peter said, "Not really?"

"Okay?" Liz said, confused as ever. "Just so you know, even though homecoming was kinda a mess and my dad was like, kinda a supervillain, you can still talk to me. A lot of kids are convinced I'm just like him, but I'm not. I'll always be here if you need help or just someone to talk to."

"I don't think you're like your dad. It just hard to talk to people sometimes. I'll explain everything to you at decathlon practice. See you then?"

"See you then."

After a couple of stares from random kids going to the bathroom, Peter and Evangeline made it to the office. What they found was the office staff, along with the principal, looking scared while Natasha yelled.

"I thought we agreed that you wouldn't use your scary voice in public!" Peter yelled at her.

Natasha stopped yelling at that and gave him a hug. "Hey Peter," She said.

"Hey Tasha," He replied. They used Tasha or Nat when they were in public to try and ward off reporters.

"Peter, what's going on?" Principal Morita asked. "Why does the Black Widow want us to allow you to keep a child? Who is this child?"

"The real reason I hadn't gone to school at all before I was thirteen was because I was kidnapped. This creepy dude held me in his basement for ten years. He kidnapped her when she was a baby and left her with me. Barely even came down, just kinda left us there. Said creepy dude's gone because Natasha and Clint did a weapons bust for SHEILD. I had already escaped, but they found her and she's staying at the compound. They found me so that I could see her, and she's attached. I'm her father figure," Peter lie explained. Natasha looked proud at how much his lying skills had improved.

"That was her sixth panic attack since Peter left, so I brought her to Peter. Will you allow her to stay?" Natasha asked, slightly calm this time.

"O-Okay?" The principal said, looking shocked.

"Cool. Peter, here's her lunch. I'll see you both after school. Evangeline, be good for you Papa okay? Love," Natasha called, leaving the school like that.

"Peter I'm so sorry," One of the office people said.

"Nah it's cool. I should probably go back to class now though. Bye!" Peter called, leaving the office in a hurry.

Evangeline giggled at how awkward he was.

"So I guess I'm stuck with ya huh?" Peter asked. "You gonna be good?"


She was wrong.


What's up dudes? Did y'all have a good holiday season? I hope so!

Thanks for reading, the next chapter will be Evangeline being a mother flippin' bad bitch at school and causing all the problems...

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

- The devil has entered my body and I am going to dieeeeeeee

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