First Night

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About thirty minutes before the plane landed at the compound, Evangeline woke up. She looked like a complete mess too. Her already greasy and matted hair had now added bed head. Even in the dimmed lights you could see the dirt covering her entire body. She had the same long sleeve dress that Wanda recognizes from her time at Hydra, just a lot smaller, and a lot dirtier. 

Evangeline noticed everyone's stares and whispered a simple, "Почему они все смотрят на меня?" |Why are they all looking at me?| To Peter.

"Прости, детка, они просто не знают, кто ты. Они хотят с вами познакомиться," |I'm sorry baby, they just don't know who you are. They want to meet you| Peter lied, and gave all the Avengers a deadly glare that she couldn't see.

Evangeline gasped, opened her eyes wide and asked a small "They do?" To Peter. No one had ever wanted to know who she was. No one besides her Papa had wanted to know who she was. "Hi!" She said, starting to perk up. Peter had taken the opportunity and started to work on her hair, which was a classifiable hot mess. She was extra happy when they said hi back.

"Hello young midgardian child," From a two long haired dudes. One is red and the other in green.

She got a "Hello ребенок паук," |baby spider| from a lady with red hair.

A simple "Hello" from a guy wearing wings, a man who was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt that looked exhausted, a guy cleaning a metal looking suit, a different guy cleaning a metal suit,  a guy with a shield and a lady wearing red.

And a quiet, "я тебя помню," |I remember you| From a guy with a metal arm, who she remembered helping her train when she was three. She remembered he wouldn't hit her hard, even though the guards said he was crazy and murderous.

"Thank you for pulling your punches Mr. Jesus," Evangeline said sweetly to Bucky. Everyone instantly started laughing at two things. One, that she thought Bucky was Jesus, and two, how polite this child was. She was definitely Peters. They could all still remember his Mr. Captain Rogers America sir.

Once everyone calmed down, Natasha asked, "What's your name baby spider?"

"Evangeline Rose!" She said excitedly. Even though her Papa had told her not to tell people her name, they seemed nice, and they knew Papa's name, so they couldn't be that bad. Right? Evangeline hoped so. Plus she remembered her Papa teaching her how to be polite, and she didn't want to let him down. After thinking it through, she continued, "Papa named me!"

"How'd you come up with that?" Natasha asked him, genuinely curious about the unique name. 

"I remember flashes from when I was a baby. My mom always read me a book, and it had a character named Evangeline. I also remembered roses for some reason, so when I got her, the name just kinda happened." He said with a shrug. 

Evangeline started rambling for awhile while Peter brushed her hair. Eventually they heard a voice coming over a screen in the front of the plane. It was Fury. "Hydra's fucking pissed," He started. Peter covered Evangeline's ears, not wanting her to hear both the swearing and what was going on because of her rescue. "It's best that you go to a safe house for the time being. I've already relocated all of your families to safe houses as well. The coordinates are entered now. I'll meet you there in the morning." With that he hung up, not even waiting for a goodbye.

Crap. Peter had clothes ready at the compound for when they got back, and he couldn't just leave her in what she was wearing. Wanda, as if she read his mind, which she probably did, dug through Nats bag and found a pajama shirt. Peter looked hesitant, so Natasha assured him with, "I'm the smallest one here. Its my clothes or that. Take it. I have more."

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