~Part 1~

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This story is better off black mode 😊

You panted wanting to give up, as you ran across an old wooden bridge. There was a small running path in the woods that you liked to run on during the weekends, when you had time.

You lived right below LA, in Monterey, the colder part of California. But today was hotter than normal so you wore your favorite sports bra and running short shorts.

"Just 0.3 of the mile left." You told yourself in between breaths, as you ran in a rhythm.

"Hey, how you doing?" You heard behind you and quickly stopped at the sound. It was some guy you didn't know who was looking up and down at your features.

"Good, thanks." You said amd quickly starting running again, trying to get away from the creep.

"Hey hey hey what's the rush?" He said chasing after you. You stopped again.

"Listen, I don't wanna talk while running." You said clearly.

"Alright then when you're done running we can go to my place and talk there." He said and he grabbed your arm.

"I'm good." You yanked your arm away.

"Oh you're strong-"

"Hey! Get off my girlfriend!" A guy came up behind you. Where are these guys coming from? You thought.

"You're not with her!" The creep said with a strong voice. "Yeah I am, I was just late for our run." You looked at the guy who came to the resuce. Wow, he's really hot.

"No she's not!" He said again.

"Yeah she is watch." He pulled you in and kissed you.
Woah woah woah. You pushed away looking into his brown eyes. . . You both saw the creep run away. Then it was awkward for a bit.

"Um," you broke the silence, "thanks for that, but I could've handled it myself."

He didn't smile, "yeah, next time don't dress like you begging for someone to fuck you." He scoffed and stared jogging the opposite way you were going. Your jaw hung wide open, what a dickhead! He's worse than the creep. You closed your mouth and ran after him.

"Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?" You yelled.

"My name's Holland, Tom Holland and yours?"
This time you scoffed, "Like I'm gonna tell you." He shrugged. "You're a real brat you know that?" You said.

"You're real annoying, you know that?"
He was getting you angry. You- you could punch him in his hot face and not even feel bad about it!

"Not all girls who wear bras in public are 'begging' for a man! I could've gotten rid of that creep back there, but instead another one came up and kissed me!" You told Tom off.

"Are you blind? There was only one guy trying to make love with you there, and it wasn't me."

"YOU. KISSED. ME." You yelled as if nailing it in his head.

"No, I saved you. So, YOU can KISS MY A-"

"Fuck off!" You yelled and stopped running.

"Bye" he waved to you without looking at you. You turned around, now you had to go farther than you did before. You groaned loudly, then started to run to a rhythm again. When you got to the end of the trail you walked to your car, which was close because the trail went in a huge circle. You held your own hand, while resting them on your head to breathe better.

Once you got to your car you threw on a sweatshirt in the back. You sighed.
You just got a job promotion, and you were going to be working in a new building, with a new boss, new co-workers, just a new start. You were starting tomorrow, and you were honestly super stressed. You tried to start your car but it wouldn't.

"Come on!" You yelled and hit the car, as if it would start working if you hit it. "Ugh!" You yelled getting out of the car.
You grabbed your phone from the car when you heard car wheels roll on the road right next to you. It was Tom.

"Having troubles there?" He asked with a smirk.

"No! My friend will pick me up!" You waved your phone in his face.
He looked at it and laughed, "you mean the one that just ran out of battery?" You looked at it, and sure enough, it was out of battery.

Tom stared at you with the smirk still on his face. He tilted his head gesturing you to get in the car. You groaned again and got in his really nice car. He gasped when you got in, you jumped.


"You found clothes!" He yelled sarcastically.

"You suck." You said and looked forward. He chuckled and shifted gears on the car and started to drive.

"Where we off to?" He asked.

"Drop me off at the gas station by McDonalds."

"Oh come on! You dont trust me to know where you live?"

"No! I probably shouldn't have gotten in your car I still don't know you, but it's better than hitch hiking on the street."

A/n: this is a new story, Hope you enjoy! 💕

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