Facts About Serenti & Arctic Star

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1 - Serenti and Arctic Star are actually unsure about who is the older sibling. Though, they commonly just say that Serenti is older due to him seeming 'more mature'. It's often debated that they're no more mature than their sibling is though.

2 - Serenti constantly tries to embarrass his brother without his brother knowing. He'd do typically small things such as for example, spread a small embarrassing rumor about Arctic Star and make it so Arctic Star never finds out he was the one responsible for the rumors.

3 - Serenti despises being alone yet he secretly dislikes being stuck in an area with his brother. It is currently unknown why Serenti is like this.

4 - Arctic Star is usually quite nice. Possibly even the nicest person you could ever meet. Though, the last person who got on his bad side... Let's just say their dust was found under unusual circumstances and they have yet to find out who killed them...

5 - Even though Arctic Star may be really nice, he's not a fool. He's not gullible like some would believe.

6 - Arctic Star is often confused for a god from the stars somehow. Perhaps it has something to do with the design on his cape.

7 - Serenti is secretly terrified of the dark. No one knows that though. But he's less scared if someone is there with him.

8 - Serenti and Arctic Star are both 3,000 years old. Yet, they look and act as if they were in their 20's.

9 - Arctic Star likes to explore his seemingly endless world. He could go out on an exploration adventure and be gone for up to months. And sometimes, he never tells anyone he left, causing some people to panic when Arctic Star suddenly 'disappears'.

10 - Serenti will constantly leave tasks to the last minute if possible while as for Arctic Star prefers to get tasks done when given them.

11 - Arctic Star has secretly befriended a pack of wolves so sometimes, when he wants to avoid society, he'll go hangout with the pack of wolves.

12 - Arctic Star prefers to avoid violence. However, if you hurt someone he cares about, he won't hesitate to make an exception of avoiding violence and won't hesitate to attack that person.

13 - Both Serenti and Arctic Star strongly despise all kinds of chocolate, always saying that "all chocolate is too sweet".

14 - On the rare occasion that Serenti is extremely pissed off, the only ways to calm him down are either shove him into a large amount of water, or get a wolf to chase after him.

15 - Serenti is terrified of wolves.

16 - If Arctic Star goes too long without visiting his wolf friends, the wolves will often leave the forest and just chill outside of the house until Arctic Star leaves the house. However, whenever this happens, Serenti gets absolutely terrified due to being afraid of wolves and he will then lock himself in his room for up to a week while hiding under his bed and munching on some of the chips he always has stored under his bed for unknown reasons.

17 - If Arctic Star steps on water, it turns to ice and he can walk on it. However, this is not permanent. The ice only stays for up to ten minutes and the more ice he makes, the thinner the ice will be the more he walks across the water. This often results in him having to run to get to the other side of the water safely but more often than not, he ends up not making it back to land and ends up falling in the frigid water then would have to swim back to shore. So this ability can only be used to certain extents at a time.

18 - One time, Arctic Star accidentally made a patch of ice too thick in the center of a lake and accidentally stranded himself there for three days, due to not being able to swim back because he had a broken arm at the time.

19 - Serenti sleepwalks sometimes but as to how far he sleepwalks, it honestly varies. One time, when he woke up, he was in the middle of a forest and had no idea how to get back so Arctic Star had to go rescue Serenti.

20 - Serenti always fears that Arctic Star may accidentally get trapped under ice underwater in a lake from falling in and it makes Serenti fear that Arctic Star may drown one day.

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