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"Daisy, are you coming to the after-party?" asked Mya. Worry filled her voice. I sighed and opened the door to my hotel room. The golden globes were tonight and I had been a host. I had seen my ex-boyfriend. I felt overwhelmed so I left. I knew that if I went to the after-party he would be there.
"Yes. I'm going," I said back trying to stay happy for her. "Give me a few minutes."
Ever since I started to model more people started to recognize me for me. And not just because of my role in Harry Potter. Of course I've acted in many more movies. But Harry Potter was the one I always get recognized for. Well...I also got recognized for 13 reasons why now. But since my modeling career has risen everyone just knows me more for modeling.
I was only going to the after-party because Mya wanted to. I knew she wanted to have fun and I didn't want to spoil it. I got dressed in something else and we left the hotel. It had started to rain so Mya and I ran to the car. We drove to the place and walked in. There were a lot of people I recognized. I saw Daniel and smiled. We had presented an award earlier and trust me every Harry Potter fan died at that moment. I probably did too.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asked while holding my right hand. I looked into his beautiful ocean eyes that made calm every time I looked into them. "Yeah, I'm alright. Had a little freak out moment but I'm fine now." I said calmly.
He smiled at me and gave me a warm hug. I smiled and pulled away after. I soon saw Emma walking over to us. She had the most beautiful dress. She looked beautiful with anything she wore. She smiled at me and soon we each had our arms wrapped around each other. I felt like home every time I was with them.
"Love your dress, Daisy." She pulled away from our hug and admired my white dress with white butterflies.
"I love your dress." We both smiled at each other and so the night began. Before I knew it I had taken a few shots. I was talking to many actors who I knew some. Mya pulled me to the dance floor and we started to dance. One moment she was dancing with me then the next she was not there. I got scared and began to call her name. I looked around everywhere but she wasn't there. I called her but she didn't pick up. I began to get worried and suddenly bumped into someone. I almost fell but the person I bumped into, fortunately got a hold of my hand. I looked up and found the most beautiful face I've seen in my life. Features of a god. Soft curls laying on his head. Olives as eyes. With a bit of hazel. Nothing compared to my brown eyes. I smiled at the handsome boy that I accidentally bumped into.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," I said nervously.
"It's alright, I wasn't looking either," He smiled.
I looked around and there was still no sign of Mya. I was beginning to get scared.
"You looking for someone?" He asked making me look up at him.
"I think my friend ditched me," I nervously chuckle. He gave me a sympathetic smile. He put out his hand for me to shake.
"Timothée," he said. I took his hand and shook it lightly.
"Daisy," I smiled. Just by looking at him I can tell that he's not very comfortable talking. He looks awkward. In a cute way though. I'm sure many girls like him. He's a mixture of hot and cute. Like you can only be one. But this man is both. We let go of our hands and both turned into a deep shade of red.
"You need a ride home?" He asked nervously hoping for a yes. I actually do need a ride. I'm guessing Mya found her self a lover for tonight. She does every time. Always leaving me behind. Having to call an uber. I never really have lovers for one night. I did once but of course as many people know. It's only for one night.
"That would be lovely." I smile."You're not drunk right?" I ask looking at his beautiful green eyes.
"I actually haven't, surprisingly." He said chuckling. "You wanna head out then?"
What could go wrong? I think to myself and smile. He puts out his hand and I grab it. There were a lot of people around us, and I guess he didn't want to lose me in the big crowd. We left the loud building and walked to a car. He politely opened the door for me making me blush. I got in and he closed the door. He got in the car as I noticed that paparazzi were making their way towards us. I started to laugh as he struggled to turn the car on.
"Oh that's a lot of help Daisy." He chuckles making me laugh more. "Sorry, I couldn't help it," I said trying to catch my breath.
A big flash made me go blind. I covered my face with my hand before the second flash hit me. Timothée started the car and we left. Trying not to hit any paparazzi.


I sighed as I didn't want to leave the warm car. We had arrived at my house. Being honest I didn't want to leave Timothée. He was too nice and he was just so —— dreamy. His smile made me warm. He's eyes made my knees weak. No way I was letting him go. No, I just simply couldn't.
"Do you want to come inside? Have a cup of tea?" I asked. With hope in my voice. Oh no. I don't want him to go. Please say yes.
"Yeah, sure." He smiled at me, making me go insane. We left the car and walked up to my front door. I struggled to open the door which made him chuckle. I finally opened the door and soon the warmth of the room hugged us both. I closed the front door and hung my coat on the hanger. Soon Timothée followed my steps and took off his jacket. I didn't realize how tall and thin he was.
"You can sit in the living room," I said and watched as he walked to the living room. Looking at every small detail in my living room. "I'll go heat up the water." I left and quickly put the water. After I was finished I walked down the hall to the living room. Timothée was looking at one of my pictures. Where I was close to my family. After my mother passed...everything's changed.
  Timothée. Timothée Chalamet. I mentally hit myself in the head and rushed to get two wine glasses. I brought out my favorite champagne and walked to the living room. He smiled as he saw me holding the champagne.
"What are you doing?" He helped me with the champagne and we sat down.
"Just celebrating that you won." I poured the golden liquid into the glasses and handed him one.
"So you do know who I am?" I didn't know what to say. "I remember watching Call Me By Your Name and Lady Bird now." He got red and smiled. "You looked very familiar."
The night went on with me and Timothée talking. At one moment I rushed to turn off the water. We had finished the entire bottle of champagne and I had completely forgotten about the water. Timothée giggled as he walked over to the kitchen. "Timothée that's not funny," I said as a few chuckles escaped my lips. I hadn't realized how close he was to me. I looked up at him and I slowly began to wrap my arms around his neck. We both slowly leaned in and our lips connected.

until you came along//t. chalamet Where stories live. Discover now