valentines day - my old writing style

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It was the 14th of February, valentines day, but to Patrick it was just a day he watched everyone eles little basket on the front of their desk fill up, he just watched all the giggling girls and the blushing boys but his basket never even being glanced at and even though he was quite attractive, or at least that's what the girls whispered, although his personality scared everyone away everyone said he was crazy, a psychopath and he supposed It was his fault, he never really tried to make friends and his first and only show and tell he brought dead animal skeleton's, that was at the start of his forth year and now in the middle of it nobody talked or even looked at him but one girl bella, bella blade, everyone loved her, she was sweet and kind but could throw a punch but she was always kind to Patrick and she called him patty, a nickname he didn't like but liked how she said it, he first got the nickname when he was sitting alone at lunch, no lunch boxs as his mum wasn't moving or doing anything due to the death of her infant son, he was just staring at his boots as everyone eles was running around, sitting with their friends or eating meanwhile he was kicking the dirt until he feels the seat move slightly and a browned haired girl sat beside him, her big brown eyes peering at him she was wearing a pair of overalls and a tshirt, he looked over her and tilted his head slightly as she didn't look scared she had a friendly smile on her face as she placed her lunch box on the seat in the middle of them as she turned her whole body to face him swinging one of her legs over the seat as she opened the quite large box

"I seen you haven't had lunch recently so I asked my mum to pack double" she says as she holds out a sandwich and a apple as she smiles at him as he slowly takes it

"why are you being so nice?" Patrick asks as he slowly unravels the sandwich from its wrapping as she smiles grabbing her own

"cause I wanna be friends" she says as she takes a bite as Patrick looks at her shocked she had always been smiling and waving at him but friends? What did that mean? How much effort would he have to put in?

"friends?" he asks as he eats the sandwich

"yes friends but I get it if you don't wanna be my friend" she says as he sees her smile slip from her lips as she looks down at the old wooden bench they were sat on and he doesn't like it when shes not smilling

"we can be friends but what do friends do?" he asks as hes never had one

Her smile pops back up as he looks up at him "they hang out, protect each other and share and look out for each other things like that oh and make up nicknames" she says as looks at him tilting her head slightly "oh I know ill call you patty" she says happily as she keeps eating and Patrick looks over at her

"ok bell then" he says hoping to bug her but she just smiles at him and runs off grabbing two milks from the milk tray and runs back as she hands him one and she takes one as she hands him a straw and pokes her own in her milk carton as she smiles clinking them together as she giggles and looks at Patrick as he smiles at her as she smiles wider

"wow you smile huh?" she jokes as he rolls his eyes and smiles more

"guess so huh" he jokes back as they just sit there next to each other drinking their milk as Patrick eats his apple as grabs his now empty and her empty milk carton as he walks over throwing them in the bin as he walks back over as shes closing up her lunch box as he grabs it for her walking with her to her bag as he puts it away for her and then they walk back into the classroom as bella sat quite far away from Patrick and he didn't like what was his to be out of reach so when the teacher turned her back to them Patrick grabbed his pencil case, pen, book and chair and ran his long legs over to bella as he put his chair next to her and she giggled

"what are you doing?" she whispers to him as she helps him get his book down and his other belongings

"sitting next to what's mine" he says as he smiles at her and she smiles back as Patrick never did the work but as the teacher turned around she notices Patrick isn't in his seat nor is his seat their as she looks around the room worried as she sees bella leaning over Patrick's book talking to him as she tells him what to write as he nods and writes it down as he smiles at her and the teacher worries for her student as everyone knows Patrick isn't right and soon enough it's the end of day and the bell rings as bella gets her stuff packed up and Patrick does the same

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