18. Jack daniels and grafiti.

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~Mason Nicole's POV~

I sit in my back seat in math class and wait for the bell to ring. I didn't get to see Zayn this morning so that was kind disappointing considering that we spent all basically weekend together.

At that moment Zayn walks in and he looks a little different. By the look in his eyes he's been drinking. I look at him and he gives me a lazy smile.

"Hi pretty lady." He tried to speak as proper as possible.

"You don't sit back here." I say as he drops into the seat next to me.

"I don't give a shit." He grunts.

"You're a mean drunk." I sing-song.

"Look who's observant." He slow claps for me and I roll my eyes. "That's just what happens if I drink in the morning."

"Oh" I say.

"You know, I wanna see you drunk one day." He smirks. "Just give you a few shots of Jack Daniels and you'll be fucking wild."

"I wanna get drunk with you." I say without thinking. Then the bell rings.

"I'm a usually fun drunk, you'd like it." He whispers. "You're probably an outgoing drunk."

"Can't wait to find out when I'm 18."

"Or the next house party I'm invited to. And I get invited a lot."

"You drink at every party?"

"Not all, I purposely didn't drink at the house party because you were there."

"When's the next house party?"

"Next Saturday." He grunts again. "Why you wanna go?"


"I'll answer that when I'm sober." He quietly laughs.

"I don't think I can handle myself if I'm drunk though."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He smiles.

"But you'll be drunk to."

"I've drunk enough times to show up to school like this." He jokes. "I can handle myself and you."

"Zayn no talking." Our math teacher says.

"Sorry Mr.K." He fakes sincereness.

Then Zayn looks at me with a big smile and gives me a thumbs up. I smile back and then stick my tongue out.

"Hey, that's mean." He pouts and I blow a kiss innocently.


I sat at the table with my usual Rose, Ana, and El.

"Is cheer practice today?" Rose asks.

"No, there's one tomorrow. But we have to practice our splits on our own."

"That shit hurts I tell you."

"Cheer keeps getting harder and harder." I roll my eyes. "When's the game?"

"This Friday." Rose digs into her rice. "I think I might wanna quit."

"No don't quit. You guys look hot up there in those miniskirts." Ana winks then laughs.

Zayn comes and sits right next to me and Louis sits next to El.

"I heard something about mini skirts and quitting cheer someone fill me in."

"You're gonna quit cheer?" Zayn places his hand on my leg, he's yet still drunk, but it's not as bad as before.

"No Mason and Rose were just talking." El says cuddling into Louis.

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