Neco Williams

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contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.

Y/N - your name

I sighed in satisfaction as I sat back further into the garden chair as the birds that were chirping soon became muffled as my mind went into another world and my thoughts took over my whole body.

I've been doing different types of drugs since 16. I wasn't with the right group of friends and I guess I got addicted. I've tried all sorts however my favorite had to be weed. Not only does it relax you, but it clear my head from every little issue I have and that seems to be a lot. I finished school early because I worked a lot faster than most individuals and now I'm in college where drugs is the norm to most people.

I don't smoke with other people though and I don't deal drugs because that could lead to major shit and I knew I didn't wanna waste my future career like that. Many tell me how I'm stupid for smoking but I need to. I don't have anyone anymore and that's the main reason I smoke.

My parents passed away when I was 15 in a car accident when they were driving back home from the airport. Some pick wasn't driving the speed limit and didn't stop at a red traffic light which resulted in my parents both dying on impact. I was devastated when I found out what happened and I still am today at the fine age of 18.

I just turned 18 and it was the best party ever. Just me and my pug Oreo. He's black and white hence the name. We just chilled together and watched Netflix. Everyone tells me that I can't smoke with my dog around but I don't. I always smoke outside where the smell soon disappears before Oreo goes outside. Why would I risk losing my dog?

I soon checked the time seeing 18:00 on my watch as I sighed knowing I had to get ready for a party I was attending. My best friend Amanda was hosting a party to celebrate her 19th birthday. I met her at college since we were both studying to be doctors and we happened to sit next to each other on the first day and we have been inseparable since.

She was a party animal. She drank whilst I smoked. We were so different yet opposites do attract. She has a boyfriend and his name is Morgan. He's some footballer or something. He's nice and all but he just looks like he'll break her heart and I don't wanna deal with a sad drunk Amanda.

I walked upstairs and was greeted by Oreo as he jumped on my leg. I smiled as I picked him up and carried him to my room and put him on my bed. I made steps for him so that he can get on the bed whenever he wants but if I'm away and if I'm at home, he'll force me to put him on the bed. He turned around in circles and finally sat down and fell asleep.

I smiled at him as I tuned to my closet and grabbed some black jeans, a yellow crop top and so,e yellow vans I custom made with a denim jacket. I then quickly showered and changed. I took a look st my self in the mirror and smiled it myself.

Many people think I look like a drug addict but I really do look like a normal teenager. I'm a normal weight with no piercings except for my earrings and only one tattoo which was the date my parents got married. I grabbed my black bag and sprayed some perfume on and walked downstairs. I filled Oreos food bowl and water bowl and finally walked out the door.

I was at the party soon enough and walked in. There was so many people here which meant that the whole house was stuffy and it was just sweaty people dancing on sweaty people. "Hey bestie." I heard Amanda say as he ran to me and gave me a big hug. "Hey you. Happy birthday!" I said as I handed her a small gift that I got her. She smiled as a smiling Morgan walked from behind her.

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