Virgil Van Dijk

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a very young child.

Y/N - your name

I wake up to the sound of the ocean waves breaking and smile to myself. Man, vacation was the best. I get up out of bed and stretch. I let out a loud yawn as I grab my phone and check the time. I smile seeing 8am, knowing I can go for a run on the beach and it won't be busy.

I walk to the closet where I unpacked all my clothes for the week and put on my favorite workout leggings and put on a matching sports bra. I put on my white Nikes and put my hair up in a high pony. I brush my teeth quickly and fill my water bottle up by the sink. I grab my earphones and make my way out my hotel room.

I reach downstairs as I wave and greet the staff at the hotel. "Hey Y/N!" They all said as I said a happy "Hey!" Back. I always came to this hotel in South Africa since I was a little baby so they all knew me very well, even all the new staff members. I see the manager, Frank, wave at me as I wave back. I step outside and take a deep breath in, feeling the salty air rush through my body.

I loved coming on vacation by myself as I was constantly around people when I was at work. I was a news reporter for the local news channel in Liverpool. I didn't mind it but it was super demanding. I took the sports section more often then not but I would have to do the weather at times because that whole company relied on me more than anyone else. I sigh, happy to finally get a break this year.

I start my run next to the beach on the little walk way that was there and listened to my favorite songs. I couldn't help thinking about my life and how I ended up where I am. I don't expect to be a 22 year old who had enough money to go traveling, let alone by herself. After about a 5km run, I stop out of breath as I look at the sea.

It was a dark blue as the waves broke on the sand. I smile and decide I'm going to go dip my feet in the ocean. I take off my shoes and socks and walk to the ocean. I dip my feet in as I let out a "Hiss" as the water was very cold down here by the Western Cape. I stand for about 10 minutes, when I felt a tap on my left thigh.

I turn around to see this beautiful little girl with bloodshot eyes and snot running down her face. I knelt down to her height and asked her, "Hey, what's wrong?" "I lost daddy." She cried as I gave her a small smile. I didn't like kids that much but I did this way to many times as a kid so I knew the pain and decided to help the little girl. "It's okay love. How does your dad look?" I asked as she sniffled and cried again.

"H-he is a very tall man with hair like mine you see!" She said as she pulled her hair from her head. I smile softly at her cuteness as I nod. "We will find him okay." I said as she nodded. "Are you guys staying at a hotel or a house?" I asked as she pointed at my hotel. "I'm staying there with my other sister and my daddy." She said as I nodded. "I'm staying there too. Let's go there together okay." I said as she nodded.

I stretched my hand as she took it willingly as we walked to the hotel. "So what's your name?" I asked, trying to get her head off of the subject. "Nila." She said as I smiled. "That's a beautiful name." I said as she blushed softly. I'm sure I know that name from somewhere. I think about where I could've heard it from but push it aside as I continue talking to her. We eventually arrive back at the hotel and walk in.

"Daddy!" She screamed and ran to, like she said, a very tall man. I smile as I look at the man more intently. My mouth opens as I realize who he is. Virgil Van Dijk. I was a huge fan but was never able to go to a Liverpool game as I was always too busy. I often spoke about him due to me speaking about sport and couldn't help feeling attracted to such a fine man. I was just a bit, just a tad bit, too young for him. Why would a 29 year old want to date a 22 year old.

He looks at me and smiles. "Thank you so much." He said as I smiled. "It's only a pleasure. Plus, she is a cutie." I said as she giggled and cuddled into her father more. "I'm Virgil by the way." He said as he extended his hand. "I'm Y/N." I said as I shook his hand. "Oh and I know you're Virgil. I'm a huge fan." I said as he chuckled. "Oh why thank you." He said as Nila giggled.

"How about I take you out to dinner tonight, to thank you for dealing with this monster." He joked as he tickled Nila causing her to giggle. "Oh no please. Don't worry." I said as I smiled at him. "No please, I'd love to take you out." He said as he gave me a cheeky smile. Then it clicked, he wanted to go on a date. I didn't know what to say at first as no words would come out of my mouth, so I just nodded. "Fantastic. I'll see you later tonight." He said as he waved goodbye. "I'm in room 509!" I shouted as he laughed. "Thanks!" He shouted back as he walked into the elevator.

I was now getting ready for the date which I had no clue what it would be. A dinner date? Adventurous? Who knows! I sigh as I throw the shirt to the side. I was basically ready except I didn't have a proper outfit. I settle on some high waisted jeans and an off the shoulder shirt that had white and yellow stripes. I put on some white Nike shoes that the tick was yellow which matched the shirt perfectly.

I heard a soft knock on my door as I opened it to see a smiling Virgil with a single rose in his hand. He was wearing plain black jeans and his Liverpool shirt. "Love the shirt." I giggled as he handed me the rose. "You said you were a fan so..." he trailed off as he laughed. I rolled my eyes and took the rose from him. "Thank you. You're very sweet." I said as I place the rose in my room. I close my door as we walk to wherever this man was taking me.

After a nice dinner at a local diner, we arrived back at my hotel room in fits of laughter. "It was so embarrassing!" I shouted which caused him to laugh louder. "I can't believe you farted on live television!" He shouted too loud for my liking at I smacked his arm. "Ugh!" I sigh as I turned a deep red which caused him to laugh even harder, which I didn't even think was possible.

"Wow, I had an amazing night Y/N." he said as we stopped just outside of my room. "And so did I Virg." I said as my back faced the door. "Again sometime?" He asked as I nodded and smiled at him. "Just give me a call." I said as he nodded. It was silent as we looked at each other. He started leaning in as I shook my head. "Virgil, I'm 22." I said as he shrugged. "So?" He questioned as he placed his arm on the wall which lay next to my head. Virgil towered over me as I couldn't help admire what was in front of me.

"I'm so young." I said as he shakes his head. "Age is just a number beautiful." He said. "Yeah and jail is just a room." I said which caused him to laugh even harder. "Oh well, I'll suffer in jail then." He said as he started leaning in more. I didn't stop him this time as our lips met. It was sweet and gentle but soon got heated as his right hand rested on my hip whilst the left squeezed my bum ever so light. I giggled as I pulled away. "Wow." He said softly as I looked down.

He lifted my head up with his finger as I smiled at him. "Until again, baby." He said with a smirk. At first, I thought he was trying to be sexy, until it hit me. "Oh shut up!" I said as he burst into another fit of laughter. "I'm not a baby!" I shouted. I sigh but laugh myself as he was proving to be an absolute child. "Oh well, you're my baby at least." He said as I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. "I'll see you soon." He said as he kissed my softly on the lips and walked away.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry I'm not updating as often but school is very hectic at the moment but I will post whenever I can. This was a request by Ann so I hope you enjoyed! Lots of love everyone and stay safe!

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