Iris woke up, finding a book in her lap. She raised her head and noticed a tree shading her from the sunlight.
"Ah, I see, I fell asleep again," she muttered, before closing her eyes. It felt like someone is approaching her.
"You still going to sleep?" a young voice asked as she felt him sit next to her.
"I just woke up," she answered, still with her eyes closed.
'If only I have my eye patch, it'll be easy for me to cover my right eye,' she thought.
Seemingly, she lost it. It has been a long time since the last time she lost it before doing it again."You don't have to cover it. I already saw it."
She opened her eyes, tilting her head to stare at him.
"What do you think about it?" She asked.
"It's pretty. Why do you have to cover it?"
For a while, there is a moment of silence. She just close her book and stood up, ignoring his question.
'I don't want to lie, but I don't want to tell the truth. It's a pain to explain.'"Nevermind," She just said and walked away. She could hear a sigh before she entered the house.
As she entered the library, she returned the book to its previous place. She have something else to do before anything else.
Find that eye patch.
'That's right, the forest! That was the last time I've seen it.'
She carefully walk towards the backdoor.She sigh in relief as she successfully made out off the house. Following her own tracks before losing the eye patch, she went around the forest. She stopped in front of a fence, remembering a rule mom told them,
"Do not go near and pass through the fence and the gate. It's dangerous."
A lie.
She felt no presence on the other side of the fence.
Sometimes, her eye is useful, but most of the time when she's on the forest, it causes her to doubt what mama told them. She felt bad doubting Mama.
But for some reason, it gives her chills when it's about the gate."..."
She shook her head.
'Let's focus on the fence, should I go again?'Iris broke a rule yesterday, because of her curiosity. She had always thought why no one questions about the height of the fence when mom told them about the rule.
It's too short for her and its height is about around her waist. 'I must've lost it in here.'"...."
*Sigh*Iris held the fence and jumped over it. Not wasting her time on debating with herself, she proceeded.
She's sure she lost it around here. She won't be able to know unless she checks. Besides, if it is indeed here and Isabella found it, she'll get in trouble.
Iris came home for dinner yesterday without even noticing she didn't have it. She just asked mom to bring the dinner into the infirmary with an excuse that she felt sick.As she thought of places she could remember that she passed by yesterday, a wall started to get bigger as she gets near.
"We meet again, huh," she whispered.
Iris chuckled with the thought of talking to a wall. She always have this habit talking with non-living things. Everyone knows about it, but no one minded it.
'I wonder what's the reason for a wall here. It's too tall and it can be climbed with rope or a tall ladder.'When she was inspecting it, she thought of something strange.
She can't sense anything pass the wall.
Nothing. Like an empty space.
But she can sense living things few meters pass the wall on the other side.But before she could think deeper to it, she remembered her main goal coming back here. Just a few seconds later, she found the eye patch, hanging on a tree.
The confusing thing is,
'Did I even hang it on a tree?'She reached for it, noticing some dirt before sighing.
'Why do we always use white clothes when we know it gets dirt easily?' she has the thought, slightly annoyed, but ignored it anyways and proceeded to go back home. It's almost time for the bell to ring.
She wore the eye patch and sprinted out, passing through the fence. As if on cue, the bell rang. She made it back on time.'Hopefully, no one found out I was wondering pass the fence.'

//Iris//The Promised Neverland //ON HIATUS//
Fanfiction"Mom, had you loved us back?" Isabella looked back to the child, taken aback. "Of course, Iri-" "Then why?" the girl asked, tears welling up in her eye patch. "It can't all be lies, can it?" Isabella crouches down into her height, cupping her face...