Cafe (Tododeku Fluff)

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(Author-I'm bored so I'm doing my own idea cause I'm impatient and I have time.)

Deku's pov

I woke up and looked at my phone it was 6:30. Thank god, I still have time for my morning run. I got up and petted my cat. 'Good morning, Kacchan,' Kacchan hissed slightly but leaned into my touch. I got up and put on a white t-shirt and grey jogging bottoms. Kacchan sat in my lap as I tied my trainers and purred. He jumped off my lap gracefully as I stood up. 'Bye Kacchan I'll be back soon'. I went outside and locked the door behind me. I plugged my earphones in and started jogging.

Time skip brought to you by kirishima's manliness 

I was running when I suddenly bumped into something. I looked up to see a man with peppermint hair. 'I-I'm sorry. I didnt see you, I was looking the other way it was totally my fault. *mutter mutter* *mutter mutter* I really sh-' I was cut off my an amused chuckle. 'Umm may I ask what you find so funny?' I said on the verge of tears. 'You're just really cute' He said then he smiled and walked off leaving me a blushing mess. 

Another time skip because I'm lazy

I was still stuttering by the time I got home. I unlocked the door and was greeted by Kacchan circling around my feet. I checked my phone on my bed and got into the shower. 

Time skip cause no u

I was dressed in my work clothes (blue jeans and a black and white stripy long-sleeved t-shirt). I checked the time, 9:15. I stroked Kacchan's fur earning a soft 'meow' and left. I worked in a cafe across the street. It didn't pay very well and it was only a small cafe but it was owned by my best friends Uraraka and Asui so it was fun to work there. Most of the customers were regulars and it was usually quiet so we'd talk to them and make a few friends. I arrived at the cafe. 'Izuku!!!!!' Uraraka shouted happily. I walked over and gave her a hug then grabbed my apron and put it on. I tied it up in a cute bow at the back as I heard the bell ring notifying me that someone was there. They had their hood up and they sat down at a table near the counter. I picked up my notepad and pen and started to walk over. 'Hi! Welcome to our cafe can I take your-' He turned around and I immediately recognised his peppermint hair and his heterochromic eyes. (author-the only hetero thing about him. Im sorry lol) 'Oh hey you're the adorable guy from this morning' he smiled brightly. 'u-uh y-yeah I am' I stuttered my face going red. 'Oh yeah I'll just take a black coffee and I'm not taking it away I'll stay here' he said. I went and made his coffee while telling Uraraka and Asui about what had happened. 'kero-I think he likes you-kero' I blushed even harder. Uraraka started squealing. I took the cup of coffee out to him, nearly tripping and spilling it over us both. 'Thanks- Can I get your name?' he turned to me. 'Izuku. Izuku Midoriya' he smiled 'Shoto. Shoto Todoroki' he replied. 'Well Shoto, I have to get back to work I'll see you around?' I got up and walked to the counter.

Time skip lol

After Todoroki had left I went over to clean up and get the bill he had left. I opened it and saw he had tipped me and wrote a note '*phone number* call me <3' I shut it quickly and buried my blushing face in my hands. I think I like him too...

Todoroki pov

An image of the blushing was stuck in my head making me quietly chuckle to myself. How adorable~

(Author-that really bad but if you read it I hoped you liked it anyway)

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