Flowers (Shinkami Fluff)

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(In this Shinsou is in class 1A and the teachers know about his illness)

Shinsou felt another cough coming on. He quickly gave Aizawa a look and sprinted out the classroom and down the hallway, clutching his throat tightly. He burst into the bathroom and checked all the stalls for any unwanted people. When he was sure there was no one in there but him, he collapsed to the floor and started coughing up flowers. It was getting worse. He was now coughing up whole flowers instead of just petals. He was coughing so loud and uncontrollably that he didn't hear the door open. He only knew someone was there when he felt a soft hand gently pat his back. He jumped, clearly startled. "You okay Shinsou?" Denki said concerned for his best friend. Just as he was about to answer he felt another flower start to choke him, the thorns scratching at his throat. He started to cry, trying not to let the blonde see. "Shinsou why are you sat in a pile of bloody flowers? Wait- are you crying???" Shinsou opened his mouth to speak but instead the flower forced it's way up his throat making him cough. A yellow rose fell to the floor. "What the hell bro?! Did you just cough up a flower???!!!" Kaminari yelled in confusion. "Y-yes" it was barely audible because of his raspy voice but Denki heard him. "Did you eat a flower????" Denki held up Shinsou's chin so that they were facing each other. "I think you need to take me to recovery girl right now" Then everything went black for the purple haired boy.

Time skip because I'm sleep deprived

Shinsou woke up to a bright light. He was in a bed. The last thing he remembered was being in the bathroom. He looked over and saw a certain blonde asleep on a chair holding his hand. Shinsou's face went red. Suddenly the dumb pikachu boy woke up. "Shinsou! You're awake!!!!" he practically screamed at the other. "So....The recovery girl told me all about your hanahaki disease. Why didn't you tell me???" Shinsou looked anxious and turned away. "I-I didn't want you to be worried about me" Denki looked up at Shinsou and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "so-uh...who is it??" Shinsou glanced at Denki locked eyes and blushed. "You.Its okay if you dont-" He was cut of by Kaminari's lips crashing into his. He was shocked but melted into the kiss. They pulled away "So thats why I kept coughing up purple petals, I thought I had been eating flowers in my sleep again"

Shinsou had to admit Denki was an idiot. But he was HIS idiot.

(Sorry it's kind of short and poorly written)

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