Chapter 1

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So umm I keep on deleting stories so this one is the one! I ain't gonna delete this otherwise I will ban myself from Wattpad for a month! And I mean it! Anyways enjoy this chapter...


Monday June 1st . . .

08:03 am . . .

3rd person:

Peter left the subway and started to sprint to school. If he was late he would be sure to get a 40 minute detention; and that meant being late for patrol.

As Peter made it to the school gates, they had began to open as students flooded in. He let out a sigh of relief whilst trying to catch his breath. After that he swiftly made his way through the large doors and headed for his locker where he found his two favourite friends (well his only friends).

He skipped towards them,

"Hey loser." Greeted MJ in her usual monotone voice.

"Hi MJ! Hi Ned!" The spider greeted having a wide smile spread across his face.

"You won't believe this Peter! I've got a new Lego Death Star to build and a certain spider can join!" Ned whisper shouted, glancing around to make sure no one heard.

"No way! How many pieces?" Asked Peter intrigued.


"That's sounds cool but I've got patrol today maybe Saturday?" He responded. Ned looked at the floor -obviously disappointed,

"Oh yeah, that's fine." Ned mumbled. Peter felt guilty but as the saying goes 'duty calls'.

Peter opened his locker and took out books, shoving them into his bag. Closing his locker, /the bell quickly rang, signalling their first lesson of the day.

Ned and MJ walked off with a 'bye' since they didn't have first period together.

The halls were practically empty since everyone rushed to their classes whilst Peter took his time. However a certain bully was following close behind him and Peter, not knowing of his presence, was soon pushed over.

He face planted the floor, which gave him a small nosebleed, and begin to stand up. He looked around and saw Flash Thompson standing over him with a sly grin ( dirty people get outta here 🙄).

Peter sighed and stood up, face to face with Flash, who was surprisingly shorter than Peter.

"Oh look, it's penis Parker." He said as his 'buddies' gathered around him. They all snickered as the spider boy rolled his eyes. Uncle Ben always told him to be the bigger person, and anyways Flash didn't really say anything hurtful. It was all just really bad insults.

"Did you just roll your eyes?!" Flash basically shouted punching Peters stomach. At this Peter fell to the floor holding his stomach (obviously for Peter it didn't hurt). (Acting 100). They continued to beat him up until they were finished and some of Flash's buddies walked off.

That's when it happened.

"Poor penis Parker, no family to run to. It's a shame, your Aunt was pretty hot. But poor orphan Parker was left alone." Flash said with venom laced in his voice.

Peters eyes widened. How did he know that? He didn't tell anyone.

"Aww penis Parker too sad to respond? You're family didn't even love you!Hahaha!" That was it.

All he saw was red. Before he knew it he was out of that state and saw Flash on the floor, blood drawing from his nose and forehead.

What did he do?


Flash's POV:

It was fun beating up penis Parker but it came to an end and threw some insults at him but he didn't seem to respond which peeved me off,

"Aww penis Parker too sad to respond?Your family didn't even love you! Hahaha!" I laughed.

But that's when I saw his eyes turned red! Literally red!

Peter stood up, charging at me, punching me around the face. I fell to the ground feeling my head hit the floor real hard.

Thats when I blacked out.


This chapter was a bit short and I apologise so I'll post another today. Also Christmas is just around the corner so prepare your stockings and put up your trees! Anyways that'll be it for now stay tuned for the next chapter. Merry Christmas !🎄

Oh! I almost forgot,692 words.

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