Chapter 2

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This is gonna be spicy 🌶. Lol for some reason I love that emoji huehuehuehue. Anyways please enjoy this new chapter!


Peter POV:

What did I do?

One moment I was being beaten up by Flash and the next moment he is on the floor bleeding from his head.

'What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?' I thought running my hands through my hair, not knowing what to do.

'Did I do this?' I thought looking down at the passed out man-boy on the floor. I looked around and up at the ceiling.

No security cameras...


Maybe...just maybe... I could get away with this.

So with that I bolted for the front doors which were only across the hall. I burst through the large doors, almost tripping over my own feet.

I rushed up to the gate jumping over that trying not to use too much power that it looked inhuman. I landed from the gate fortunately on two feet, I was just lucky that I even got out of the school.

That's when I heard a scream from inside the building. Someone found the unconscious brat. Seriously can people be less dramatic?

I ran to an alleyway, not knowing were I was going at that moment. Once I made it to said alley I sat behind some dumpsters regaining my breath.

Once my adrenaline stopped spiking I realised how bad my eyes stung. Like a bee just jabbed it's stinger in my eye.

I rubbed both eyes vigorously (like that would help) it just made it worse. That's when I decided 'right I'm gonna head back to the orphanage, Miss.Maily is most likely asleep.'

And that's exactly what I did. I jumped on the subway back to the 'dark angels orphanage'. Sounds gothic right? Well that's because the owner is. Also that can also get pretty annoying since everything has to be black. No if, buts or why's.

Couple minutes later~

I arrived at my destination in no time, hopping off the subway. I looked around heading towards the busy streets, where the cars were flooding the roads and people were filling the streets. Oxygen was in the air along with the pollution that you are forced to breathe in with it.

As I was walking the streets I could see 'TheAvengers' comics everywhere since, they were (and are) the worlds greatest heroes.

Before I knew it I was standing in front of 'dark angels orphanage'. I opened the large oak doors stepping inside, I looked around seeing the usual black and grey walls. Swiftly, I closed the door behind me and bolted up the stairs avoiding the creaking steps.

Once I was up the stairs I headed down the corridor where I found a door which read 'Peter's room'. Of course they couldn't afford a plaque for my name so it was just a sticky note which I would have to replace every week since it would (obviously) unstick.

I slowly opened the door looking around the room and entering. My bed was next to the door and opposite was a glass window. There was a closet at the end of my bed which obviously held my clothes. And of course my Spider-Man suit.

I headed for the closet, opening it's oak doors. Soon, under a pile of underwear, I pulled out my Spider suit. Since I go to Mr.Stark's internships I stole some tech to make a really cool suit. Anyways, I quickly slid the suit on, afterwards I looked in the mirror. At the time I still hadn't put my mask on, but I could see... something.

My,usual, hazel eyes had more of a tint of red. I stared at myself more 'you know what it's probably a trick of the light.' I thought to myself sliding my mask on.

I moved my gaze from the mirror to the window, and before I knew it I was swinging around New York City.

I really wished I could take my mask off and feel the wind rush through my hair but,ya know, keeping my identity and all.

However, I still enjoyed the rush of adrenaline when I free fall and then catch myself.

Anyways, that day was pretty simple: stopped a mugging, got a cat from a tree, stopped a kidnapping and lastly got a churro.

I carefully swung to a random roof and sat down so I could rest my aching body. Who knew being a super hero could make you tired. Get the sarcasm?

"Hey, Karen?"

"Yes Peter?" My AI responded. Every time I asked her something, I felt so proud that... I actually made this AI.

"What's the time?" I asked hoping I wasn't going to be late for the internship.

"6:34-" I cut her off,

"Shit! I'm gonna be late!" I complained, scrambling to my feet.

I ran to the edge of the rooftop and jumped off swinging to a close alleyway.

I rapidly changed into my 'average' clothes, dusting off my shirt. I shoved the Spider-Man suit into my backpack (don't ask where the backpack came from) and slung it around both my shoulders.

I headed into the subway station looking for the correct platform. Finally I found my platform and patiently waited for the train.(don't get triggered at me Americans I don't know what you call trains. Is it just subways? idk.)

At last the vehicle stopped at the correct platform letting passengers get on ( which included me) and get off.

Half an hour later~

The train stopped at my destination. God I was so late 'uugghh I'm going to get questioned.' I thought walking off the subway.( and again what do you call it?? I'm British😭)

After I was off I sprinted to Stark Industries, hoping all I'd get was an 'okay kid.'

Once I made it I was standing in-front of the building all I could mumble was

"I keep forgetting how... tall...this is."


Eyo guuysss!! I hop you all enjoyed this chapter and it was less spicy than Intended for it to be 🌶. Huehuehuehue. Anyways stay tuned for the next chapter!
1030 words.

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