Chapter four~ Wanderers Lullaby

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      I... I mean- the little k- girl hadn't excepted what would happen next, but she learned alot.

      For her age, Gonzo wasn't very active. Maybe it was because she was never outside? Well she was now.

     Holding her fathers hand, she walked alongside the sidewalk as she saw hundreds of people. Women, men, children, old people and some animals. She even met some more of her fathers friends.

       Excuse me?! No! No, that did not happen! That's a rumor! Well.. As I was saying.

      "Hey! What are you doing here?" A female voice called out to them. Her and her father turned around to see a woman with blue long hair. She wore a pair of glasses and behind her glasses were two eyes with the mix of blue and grey. Her skin was white and she wore a white shirt that seemed to have a ribbon of some sorts tied around the collarbone. She wore a black vest and her white shirt was tucked into a long black skirt. She wore a pair of knee high socks with a pair of dark green shoes. She seemed nice.

       Gonzo's father didn't seem too happy to see her, though. "Oh, it's you." Kokichi said sternly, glaring at her. "Oh, don't be so scary! It's been years, how have you been?" She ran up and pulled him in a hug, pressing her breast against him. "H-hey! Get off!" He pushed her off, his face seemed madly red. "Oh, Kokichi always so- oh my!" She looked down at Gonzo in surprise. "Is that who I think it is, Ouma?" She asked, pushing up her glasses. Tsumugi's face seemed to go dark. "Mind your own business!" Kokichi growled, pulling Gonzo behind him. She gripped onto his pants sleeve. "Oh, alright. Can I at least introduce myself?" She asked, putting her hand on her hip. Kokichi shook his head, turned around, and picked his baby girl up. Gonzo watched Tsumugi as she was carried around. Tsumugi just waved at the little girl and walked off.

        Why must he act so rudely to the poor girl, you might wonder. But that is a mystery for a detective.

         "Alright, little liar, what do you want to get?" Kokichi asked Gonzo as he put her down. They were in a clothing store. She looked at all the shirts, skirts, jackets, hoodies, pants, shorts, socks, kimonos, and shoes. It was all so magical to her. She seemed to like the dresses and skirts more. She saw a nice pastel pink dress with black polka dots. "Would you like to try that on?" He asked her, getting down to her level. She nodded, and took the dress and Gonzo to the dressing room. The dress looked very beautiful on Gonzo and fit perfectly. The dress went down to her knees, the dress was held onto by her shoulders, and the clothing was soft a wrapped perfectly around her. She loved it! It even had a petticoat, which she loved to play with!

           In the dressing room, Gonzo tried on a lot of clothing. She mostly like the dresses, skirts, and the socks. She got all the clothes that she liked and needed and even got some accessories. She even got two kimonos for special events. "Do you want to wear the dress while we walk to the park and then wash it when we get home?" He asked her, grabbing her hand before they left. She smiled, looking up at her father, and nodded.

           As they walked to the park, Gonzo skipped alongside her father. She adored the dress, it was like the skirt Auntie Celestia got her! It had that beautiful petticoat! The smile on her face brought a smile to Kokichi's.

          Once they got to the park, Kokichi let Gonzo go off and play. Gonzo looked around at all the people, and she saw a girl and a dog. The dog ran over to her, and the girl followed behind. She seemed to be Gonzo's age. She had blue  hair, purple eyes, pale skin, and she was a little bit taller than Gonzo. The dog was a Bernese Mountain dog. The girl wore a black t-shirt, a pair of black shorts, with black socks and black shoes. She also wore a hat that a detective would wear. She seemed emo. Her dog came up and licked Gonzo, who giggled in response. The girl walked over, followed by another person. Looked like her father. He looked like a detective and his hair was a black like color. He had golden eyes and it looked like he wore a lot of mascara and eyeliner. He looked like an idiot to Gonzo.

          "Ah, sorry!" He said to her, pulling the dog back. Gonzo felt like someone was behind her so she turned around and saw her father. "Oh, Saihara~chan," He snickered, putting his hands behind his head in a relaxing position. "Didn't think I'd see you here!" The man named 'Saihara~chan' looked startled. "Its Shuichi... But I haven't seen you in years! How have you been?" The 'Shuichi' asked. "Huh, what happened to the stutters? Oh, well, I don't care! I'm fine." Kokichi smiled. "That's great! Oh, meet Kayane, my daughter." He introduced his child. (NOT MY CHARACTER, CHECK IMAGINE!) "Oh, so you..." Kokichi started laughing. "H-hey! Kokichi stop that!" Shuichi's face got really red. "I'm just kidding, or am I?" Kokichi smirked, which Shuichi just sighed at. "Anyway, this is my daughter," He introduced his beloved daughter, "she starts school soon." School? Gonzo looked at her father with a questioning look. "Oh, Kayane is starting school too!" Shuichi exclaimed.

(Play song.)

         They spent the next hour and half talking as Kayane and Gonzo played with the dog, which Gonzo soon learned his name was 'Haru' she liked him. Since Kayane's hair was longer, Gonzo played with it. She made her hair into a nice braid and then place flowers along the lines. Gonzo made them flower crowns and played in the grass. Her dress got a little dirty but it was alright. Then the girls fell asleep next to Haru, all huddled together.

        "Get back here!" A female voice yelled for the child. The child seemed to be about sixteen or fifteen. "I'll get you good, come back you little bitch!" The female voice screamed for her. The child panted against a tree, her tail and ears were wet from the rain. She needed to rest, but she didn't have time. She coughed and started running again as she heard the footsteps. "Ugh!" She grunted as she fell over a stick, the mud stained her outfit as her long pigtails made it hard to see her sides. Her knees were bruised and her head bleed. "Come on... Get up... They need your help... Get up!" She encouraged herself as she tried to stand, but her legs ached so badly. "You can do it, just like papa said!" She finally stood and started running. It felt as if she had ran for hours, before she was stopped by a river. The water moved fast due to the storm, but it seemed as if she wasn't being followed anymore. She looked around and saw a cave, with her last bit of energy she ran over to the cave and collapsed, falling asleep.

      Gonzo was suddenly awoken, to see her father right above her. "Wake up, sleepy head! Kayane and Shuichi already left with Haru. Come on, we can go eat then head home." He said softly, as Gonzo stood up and took her fathers hand.

     On the walk, Gonzo didn't speak, she didn't smile or skip. She just walked alongside her father. The dream was strange, is everything alright?

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