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"Oh my darling I was so worried when I heard that someone tried to kill you!" My mother said while hugging my tightly. She is a very loving mother.
"He got what he deserved. By me obviously."
"Isaac you should be more careful!" She screamed.
"But Im more powerful than normal humans you shouldn't be scared in the first place" I said.
"I know honey but still I am your mother"
"I know mom. Sorry"
"Well i guess it's okay." I was physically there with my mom but I couldn't stop thinking about that boy by the stream. That water bender.. I felt something I never felt before when I was there...
Wonder what was it.


"Left and right. Then up and down. Focus on the water. And-" I was trying to bend water. More specifically I tried to make little, sharp and deadly knives from water. Just in case to If I ever need to protect myself.
I live alone since I lost my family and friends in a very young age because of that greedy benders. I am also a bender but I would never do something cruel as this. Killing an entire tribe because they were too scared? I am all alone in this world. Nothing but my books and my water. But of course to get books I need to go to city but I actually never went there. Someday however I will. But my eyes and hair is very noticeable. Luckily I created a chestnut colored dye do dye my hair so it isn't 'that' obvious.
I went my little cabinet and searched my library to find something that I never read but there wasn't anything. I let my body fall to my bed with both arms open. Maybe It should be the 'someday' that I first went to the city.
Well, do I have anything to lose?
I grabbed my bowl and put some of that hair dye that i made a week ago. Mixed it with some other things and tadaa it's done. I quickly put some of that creation to my hair and waited a little. Washed my hair , got my backpack and left my cabinet. I am both scared and excited.
Here I go...
When I entered city, I saw humans that were benders. Since the death of family. (Which been about 12 years) I saw humans for the first time.
I didn't think I would be this anxious. I was shaking, everything started to become bigger the voices started to get higher and the ground started to shake. What was I gonna do? I hoped it would get better if I close my eyes for a while but It didn't change anything. The world started to get me as I was standing. Hah, like I could do anything else. I couldn't move.
"Hey boy get out of my way" someone said while pushing me. Before I could understand anything I fell. The place started to get more crowded and I couldn't even tolerate when it wasn't crowded. I never should've come here. What was I thinking? I just want to get out of t-
"Are you.. okay?" said a guy with jet black hair and devilishly red eyes. I turned to him but when I turned he got a little surprised.
"I-i u-uhh" I stuttered. My head was hurting because of this city life that won't accept me. He probably thinks that Im creepy or worse , understood who i was.
"You seem a little too carried away huh?" He said while he wrapped his arms around me to carry me bride-style. I couldn't understand anything. He put me on his horse and said :
"Hug me tightly okay?" I just nodded. I closed my eyes and hoped he didn't figured out who I was.
"We're here" he said while getting off the horse. I opened my eyes and couldn't believe where we were. It was the stream that I daily come. Then he added "I just figured you needed somewhere you could listen to your thoughts and relax , so I brought you my favorite place to relax"
"T-thank you" I was still acting weird.
"Whats your name?" I asked. But when I asked it he started to laugh.
"You seriously don't know who I am? That's cute and.. weird" he said
I asked why and he said he was the prince of Fire Kingdom.

"N-no I obviously know you I just u-uhh" I started to get red. Oh god!
He grinned and said "Oh yeah? Then what's my name cutie?" He got me. He will understand that I am a water bender and kill me. End of my life. What a shame.
"Im sorry."
"My names Isaac. But I certainly didn't catch yours." He said with a genuine smile.
I know I shouldn't but I trust him for some reason. He is the son of the family that caused my people to die but I can't help it.
"Dominic" I said

"What a beautiful name. Just like your eyes."

What does that even mean?? H-he understood?? But I can't just act 'oh I trust him' and then be like this. I don't know.

"Thanks." The best option is to distract and change the subject.

"So a fire master. Can you show me what can you do?"

"Only if you join me kitty"
So he wants to fight? Well Im not that easily going down. I might be not able to water bend but I can fight with my trusty sword. I grabbed it to show him I was ready.

"Come on Isaac"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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