Hurting him

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It has been 3 serieses since Virat had taken the reins if ODI and T20 teams. The transition has been fairly smooth. But one series into the match he could here flying whispers in media circle. "Virat Kohli" just a puppet of MS Dhoni.

It was building up on him, one incident after another. Suresh Raina's innocent statements about MSD calling the shots on field to his childhood coach telling him, you have to find your authority.

None of them had meant harm, one had just spoke out of affection for MS and the other was too far from the team to asses anything. But Vi bieng was getting riled up.

And the media wasn't helping at all. There was only a certain amount a person can bear. And the over emotional side of Virat Kohli was taking over.

And now MS's routine concerns felt overbearing. And after one day MS simply chided him slightly on field for goofing around Virat decided he needed to show MS who is the captain.

That night Virat went out without informing MS. And didn't returnt till almost 12 and promptly fell asleep. MS was concerned, he had tried Virat's door 5 times and no one had opened. Even when Vi returned and Ro asked him to inform Bhai. Vi did not.

At about 2:30, MS still having no clue that Vi has returned, woke Ro up to go and look for Vi because Vi wasn't picking his calls.

"He has returned hours back" Ro said surprised "Didn't he inform you??"

"No" MS said "I even tried his door he didn't open"

"He probably slept, he was saying he is tired." Rohit said sleepily, but he did wonder why Vu hadn't informed bhai.

"Scold him tomorrow" he added gleefully.

"I will see to what I should do" MS said "You go back to sleep" he ruffled Ro's hair.

Nobody had actuay bothered to inform Mahi Bhai about Virat because Virat generally did they himself. And nobody had expected him to not do it this time.

Next morning practice Mahi was about 5 minutes late for the bus because he had stayed up so late worrying for Virat. He came down to find bus had left without him.

He was taken aback but he wasn't prepared at all for what was going to happen in practice. He got a car and reached practice that caused more delay.

As soon as he reached he changes as quickly as possible and hit the ground. He straight awaya made a beeline for Virat cause he always warmed up with his Cheeku. But Virat's eyes turned cold as soon as he saw Mahi Bhai.

"Why are you late?" Virat asked.

"Sorry Cheeku I over slept" MS said "Btw what did you mean by dissapearing like that last night?"

Vi snapped. Here instead of apologizing Mahi Bhai was questioning him. Didn't he have any authority? Ok he will prove it the hard way then.
And just like that he asked everybody to stop practicing with a shout.

"Gather round in the middle of the field everybody" Virat shouted.

"What's the matter Vi?" Ro asked almost amused.

"You will find out" Virat said "Middle of the ground everyone."

And as soon as everyone gathered around in a circle Vi said " MS, come to the middle."

MS was a little stumped. Virat never called him MS except for media interviews. And why was he bieng called to middle, this was only down when someone had to be seriously addressed for some serious misconduct.
And he hesitated for a moment or two.

Virat got even more impatient and shouted "In the middle MS, right NOW."

And everyone was shocked. Was Virat really speaking to Mahi Bhai like this?

MS calmly moved into the middle.

"What was the time of practice?" Virat asked.

"Cheeku..." MS tried.

"Skipper for you at this moment" Virat shouted "What was the time of practice?"

"7:30 skipper" MS replied

"What is the time now?" Virat asked

"It's 7:50 skipper." MS replied in a straight voice.

"Do you think this practice is a joke?" Virat asked "Or is the former skipper too great follow menial new skippers orders?"

"Where is this coming from?" MS asked.

"Don't question me back." Virat shouted "when you have committed a mistake atleast have the decency to keep quite and answer me properly or do you think I have no authority."

The words hit MS hard. And the others were almost to shocked to speak.

And when things hit him this hard he reacts by turning emotionless.

"Sorry skipper" he replied in a bland voice.

"Is this a joke to you? Answer me." Virat shouted.

"No skipper."

"Do you think you should face the consequences?" Virat shouted again.

"as you deem fit skipper" MS said.

"Virat!!!" Rohit said at last "You cannot speak to Bhai like that."

"I can and I will" Virat said "It's my team now, I will run it the way I want."

Rohit was about to speak again but MS silenced him with his eyes. Thankfully Vi didn't notice that.

"How do you think you would learn a lesson?" Virat said again "because you clearly have your head high strung and think you are above every rule."

MS didn't say anything.

"You pick up that kit right now, it should have atleast 5 bats and 20 balls, open your shoes and start running laps hands above your head." Virat said "I want 45 laps round the ground for bieng let and 5 more for answering back when I asked you why you were late. I hope that gets the message that I am the captain into your big head that I am the captain and this is how I work"

Throughout the verbal dressing down Virat's tone almost shouted disrespect along with his body language. He was not even realising what he was doing he was just mad in the bid to show his authority to someone who had never questioned it.

"Ok skipper"  MS replied his voice now turning cold because Cheeku definitely knew this could be physically straining and seemed like he didn't care.

"Is it ok or is it unbearable for your old bones." Virat jibed "well if you cannot run 50 laps you should be gone"

Rohit couldn't believe, was Vi even hearing himself. Nobody can run 50 laps with that much load in this scorching Mumbai heat.

"No skipper I think I will manage" MS said again.

"Start right now then." Virat ordered "others, show's over get back to practice."

Everyone was shocked, the kids were shaken.

"Why is Virat bhaiya behaving like this?" Kuliya almost wailed to Yuzi who himself didn't know how to react so he simply wrapped his arms around Kuliya.

Jassi and Harry moved closer to Bhuvi who tried to reassure then that things would get ok but he himself was feeling lost for words.

MS picked up a kit and stuffed five bats in it and 20 balls and started running his laps bare foot hands above head.

After the 25th he could feel his leg muscles cramp and by 30th his abdominal muscles gave up almost. By 38th his legs seemed to pain like someone was cutting them off, and the his raised hands were throbbing, his abdomen was stiff, he slowed his speed. And at 43rd his body gave up he collapsed in a heap.

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