Best friends Anger

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"Bhai" Rohit shouted rushing to him as the team followed. Virat rushed to him too.

"Are you ok?" Rohit said taking the kit bag off his shoulders

"We need to get him back to hotel right now" Jassi said close to tears.

"Yes" Virat said trying to help Rohit.

"Stay away" Rohit said coldly "hands off him."

"I am ok kids" MS said getting up holding Rohit.

"No I know you are not" Jassi protested.

"We are all going back to the hotel" Rohit said "irrespective of what our Skipper says."

And slinging MS's hand in his shoulder he walked off supporting MS followed by others not even waiting for reply.

Virat felt a fresh wave of jealousy, guilt, anger wash over him at once. His whole team defied him, his best friend didn't even let him touch Bhai, and his brother had just collapsed before him and he was the reason.

He quietly followed the others.

As soon as the bus reached hotel, Rohit almost rushed MS to his room followed by others while Virat slowly walked back to his own room. He knew he wouldn't be welcomed into that too right now.

He sat still on his bed contemplating, was he right to do this? He was captain where was he wrong then? But this was Mahi Bhai, Virat thought. And he had hurt his Mahi Bhai, physically. He honestly wanted to go to Mahi Bhai right now, to see if he was ok but his ego, guilt and mixed emotions right now was not letting him go.

The physio checked MS and injected him with pain killers and sedatives. He would sleep for an hour now. Ro sat near MS, and saw the abrasions on his foot souls. He felt uncouth rage boiling in him. What did Vi think of himself?

After trying to get a grip on himself for almost half an hour Rohit couldn't anymore. He stormed off to Virat's too leaving others with MS.

The door was open anyway and he stormed in shouting "What were you thinking today??"

"Ro I am not in the mood..." Virat started.

"I don't care about your fucking mood right now. Our big brother is on pain killers right now because of you dammit. And you think I care about your mood?" Rohit bellowed.

"Ro..." Virat tried again.

"Shut up and listen." Rohit said dangerously " The way you behaved today with him was unacceptable to say the least. That guy is not just our ex captain, he is our big brother. Someone who has nurtured us, protected, believed in us at times when even we didn't. Then you become captain and you think it's ok to address him like that in front all of us juniors. The kids were scared, and he is beyond hurt."

"Ro I didn't mean to..." Virat said.

"You never mean to but end up doing it anyway" Rohit said "I don't know what you were trying to prove today but you just proved how big of jerk and fool you are. You did things that I know will come back to hurt you cause you love him more than any of us. And I don't care if you are the captain, you are my best friend before you are Skipper Kohli and I will call out your bullshit every damn time."

Rohit was breathing heavily now.

"Rohit but he was late..." Vi tried weakly.

"Late?? Late??" Rohit said "Just because he was late by 15 minutes you behaves like that with him? And do you know why he was late Vi??"

Virat shaked his head in no.

"Because you went out last night without telling him and didn't tell him when you came back. We also assumed that you had told him so none of us bothered to inform him that you were back." Rohit said "He was up till 2 in the morning worrying about you. So that's why Vi he was late."

Virat looked like something had hit him.

"So now tell me Vi. After this if he wants to push you out of his life, would he be wrong?" Rohit asked "he would never do that. But would he be wrong?"

Virat shaked his head in no.

"Do you think you will be able to live with it if he does so?" Rohit demanded.

"No, I won't be able to...even though that's what I deserve...but I won't be able to live with it ever..." Virat said now, unfathomable guilt taking over him.

"Vi" Rohit lowered his voice "come on, go to him and apologise properly please. I don't know what he will say, but you should at least try because the way you have behaved Vi I don't know what kind of apology will be enough"

"I will Ro. I will." Vi said in a hushed tone "I will do whatever it takes."

"Vi, he will forgive you I know" Rohit said now his anger much more pacified now that Vi looked utterly guilty, "but make sure as your apology is as loud as your disrespect."

Vi nodded again.

And Ro led him to MS's room.

MS was still sleeping and the team was scattered in his room. Vi slowly approached the bed and sat on the floor beside it keeping his head near Mahi Bhai's legs as he breathed heavily to calm himself.

Kuldeep slowly approached him. He sat near him wrapping his arms around Virat he said slowly "Bhai, why did you shout like that today?"

"I behaved like a fool Kuliya" Virat said hugging the scared boy back "And soon as Mahi Bhai gets up I will tell him how sorry I am."

"We were so scared Bhai" Kuli said.

"I know Kiddo, I am sorry" he whispered.

After about 20 minutes more, MS wakes up. Virat was on a chair beside his bed and Rohit was on the bed beside MS.

"Ro..." MS hummed slowly "some water pls."

"Haa Bhai" Rohit said as he helped MS sit up and poured little glass of water.

MS looked around the room to find everyone there still in their practice gear.

"Kiddos" MS said in a warm tone "I wasn't that hurt. Why are you all sitting here worried?"

"You know we just need a excuse to be here" Bhuvi said.

MS's eyes then fell on Virat and his tone instantly lost its warmth, "Skipper I see you are here too. Its good I needed to clarify a few things with you."

Vi felt like someone just whipped him. Hell he would probably take the whipping more than this.

"Ye..yes..Bhai" he managed out.

"No need of using the term Bhai, skipper" MS said with sarcasm in his voice "You can keep calling me MS by all means."

Virat didn't say anything excepts for keeping his head hung low blinking rapidly and breathing heavily, trying not to cry. His guilt was very very evident.

"Look at me Virat" MS said "Because I need to get this out of the way and it's best to do it as fast as possible."

He then looked at the others and smiled "Kiddos why don't you go and get changed? Sitting in the practice jerseys is not good, I am fine now, go."

Rohit signalled the others to leave. He pressed himself to MS one last time, patted Vi's back and left.

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