Shot #1 Airport mishaps

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Welcome to my smutty collection of one shots, I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I have fun writing them.

In each chapter I will give a warning for what it might entail and what rating it will be. If I need to add a warning or two I have not thought of, feel free to comment on it.

Pairing will always be KaiShin (Maybe ShinKai), and if somehow it's not, I will inform you ^^-

Without further rambling let the chapter and fun begin

Rated: Teen and up or M

Pairing: KaiShin/Shinkai whichever you perceive it as.

This chapter contains: Sexual humor, embarrassment, suggestive themes, second hand embarrassment and airports

One shot #1:

Airport mishaps

KID had announced a heist in England. And for some unknown reason the KID taskforce and Nakamouri had begged and pleaded with the detective to come with them.

Shinichi was considering declining, but then again KID rarely held heists outside of Japan and Shinichi had really wanted to go to Baker street and go to some iconic museums. There was also that miniature crime scene museum he had been dying to see and figure out. So despite the hassle of going to England specifically London, he agreed.

The task force would be going to London in about 4 days time, he could travel with them but decided against it. He wanted a stress free flight, it was bound to be hectic with Nakamori as the travel leader. So he decided to get an earlier flight that would depart two days before the task force. That way he could relax and enjoy the wonders of London before the police and KID would arrive to cause their usual havoc.


At the arrival point in Heathrow airport Shinichi now stood and was waiting on his bag by the baggage claim. He let out a huge yawn. The flight had been a long one and he was beyond tired, the only thing he wanted to do was crash in his hotel room and get a good nap.

An alarm went off before the baggage belt started rolling, he glanced at the opening and saw there were no bags so far. He had to close his eyes as another yawn crawled out of him. He turned his head and curious eyes to the side as squeaks and laughter erupted to his left. He raised an eyebrow before his eyes widened comically. There, on the belt was a dildo on full display in all it's erect glory.

He let out a dumbfounded snicker as it made its merry way around the slow belt. He pitied the person who had the misfortune of it falling out of their bag. Most likely it wouldn't be retrieved because of embarrassment. He watched with a laugh as more laughter rang out and how kids were watching it curiously being unaware of what it was. Several people who had kept a brave face laughed as it finally went all around the belt and out through the flaps once more. No one brave enough to claim it as theirs. Then the bags finally started rolling through.

As he snatched his bag from the belt he could just imagine the bets going on behind the scenes. Would it be retrieved or will it not that is the big question isn't it. He highly doubted anyone would. The laughter returned as it once more came through the flaps, several people taking more photos and video of the spectacle. It was quite the comical sight as it bobbed along.

Suddenly Shinichi flinched as his senses alerted him of a familiar presence. A person with a white hood heavily drawn over his face swooped in between the crowd and snatched the dildo off of the belt. Before anyone could blink or react to the brave soul he was gone in a poof of smoke.

Shinichi's mind halted and stalled as he connected the dots. That was KID... wait what!? but.. had it been bejeweled in any way... he searched his impeccable mental image of the scene and inspected it from every angle. But no, no it hadn't had any jewels....

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