Chapter 18: To the Rescue

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Meanwhile, the Beagle Boys slowed down the carriage once they came across a tower. They took Minnie and Daisy, tied them up, then went inside. Once the door shut, Jamie got out from under the carriage to see the guys, who were happy and surprised to see her.

"Jamie? How'd you get here? We thought you were trampled and run over," Mickey pointed out.

"The horse missed me and I was able to grab the carriage from underneath. Then I held on for dear life until the carriage stopped at this tower and I was gonna wait for you guys," Jamie explained.

"Okay. We're just glad you're okay," Goofy told her.

"Thanks," she smiled.

"Well, let's get to it," Donald told them.

Goofy waited near the end of the bridge while the others went to get the door, but couldn't open it.

"Hey, Goof, this door won't budge!" Mickey said as he and Donald struggled pulling on the door.

"Let me give it a go!" Goofy said then ran at top speed.

As he rushed at them, Jamie noticed one major detail.

"Uh, guys?" she called.

They looked to see her point at a sign that said, "Push". Mickey obeyed and smiled.

"Hey, Goof, wait. I got it..." Mickey started to say.

But Goofy had already gone past them and ended up going past the Beagle Boys, Minnie, and Daisy.

"What the heck was that?" Shorty asked.

Goofy went out the top window, bounced off a tree, was kicked by a cow, spun on a windmill, then back through the window, bouncing down the stairs to Mickey, Donald, and Jamie, who helped him up.

"Door's open," he said in a haze.

The Beagle Boys, after getting out of their confused state, continued going up the stairs.

"Oy, what we do about them musketeers?" Butch asked.

"We's 87 floors up. It'll be hours before they's on us," Bruno remarked.

That changed when they came up to them in seconds, Jamie being the only one not out of breath.

"Hold it right...there. You...fiends!" Mickey panted.

"Seriously guys? I could do that in my sleep," Jamie said, rolling her eyes a bit.

"Yeah,'ve been...a musketeer...longer than...we have," Goofy breathed.

"Good point," Jamie shrugged.

"Sling them birds in their cage," Bruno commanded.

Butch obeyed, Minnie and Daisy screaming as they were locked up.

"Your Highness!" Mickey shouted.

"Let's have a bit of fun with these blighters, eh?" Bruno smirked.

"Let's get 'em!" Mickey said.

"Oy!" Bruno shouted.

They began sword fighting; Mickey on Bruno, Goofy on Butch, and Jamie and Donald on Shorty.

"Stop. Let the girls go," Donald ordered.

Shorty just laughed and pulled out a pirate sword. He hit Donald's sword, cutting it almost in half vertically.

"You feel lucky, ducky?" Shorty chuckled.

Donald turned into a chicken and ran away.

"Thanks, Donald," Jamie grumbled.

Then she and Shorty went at it for a minute before he knocked her off the stairs. He looked down to see no one and went up. But luckily, she grabbed onto the edge that you couldn't see and swung herself back up.


A/N They better think of something.

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