Chapter 20: "Sweet Wings of Love"

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Once Jamie was up and the guys were taking care of the Beagle Boys, she went to the cage that Minnie and Daisy were in.

"Jamie! You're okay!" Daisy exclaimed as Minnie smiled.

"Yeah. Now I'll try to get you two outta there," Jamie said as she started picking the lock with her sword.

That's when they heard glass breaking and distant yelling from outside the tower.

"What was that?" Minnie asked.

Jamie chuckled and answered, "Knowing them, some elaborate plan to get us out of here."

They then saw Mickey and Goofy bounce down the stairs then ran into them. They twirled around a couple of times before being slung out. Then all five of them went down the stairs as Donald slowly crawled out of his hiding place. Once down, they shook off the haziness they were under.

"Like I said," Jamie said before doing so.

"Did we do it?" Goofy asked.

"Yeah! We did it! The four of us did it!" Mickey cheered.

"All for one and..." they started to say.

"Wait. Where's Donald?" Jamie asked.

"We did it? Well, alright!" Donald exclaimed as he fell down the stairs.

He bounced down the remaining, making the others think he was with them during Goofy's plan.

"Hurray! We did it!" Donald cheered with a nervous look.

They all cheered at that.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Jamie told them, going for a group hug.

They did so then were brought back when Daisy cleared her throat. They looked at the two, Mickey chuckling nervously.

"Let me just...Kind of tight," Mickey commented as he helped Minnie up and pulled at one part of the rope.

Then rope went everywhere, freeing Minnie and sending Mickey to the ground.

"Oops," Mickey said with a shy smile.

(A/N Play video now.)

At that, Minnie giggled.

"Yes!" Jamie whisper-yelled.

"Aw. Mickey made her laugh, so she knew he was the one. But will their love bloom on the way back to Paris? Perhaps if I sing them a song," the turtle said.

He then played the piano while butterflies joined him in song.

[Turtle (Butterflies):]
"Afloat on the breeze"
("On wings of love")
"Like birds and like bees"
("Sweet wings of love")
"The first day we met"
("On wings of love")
"We watched the sun set"
("Sweet wings of love")

Mickey and Minnie snuck onto a wagon of hay and held hands with smiles. Then when they hit a bump, hay got all over them.

"And if by some chance"
("Some twist of fate")
We're chasing romance
("It's not too late")
"It's heaven's design, you'll be mine
Hands entwined on wings of love"
("Of love")

Then when they sailed on a ship, Mickey did the yawning trick, putting an arm around Minnie, making her lean into him.

"A real-life fairy tale"
("Fairy tale")
"Down the streams of life we sail"
("Life we sail")
"And our world in twilight gleams"
("Twilight gleams")
"Like the light in your eyes
Inside my dreams

Once back, he took her through the royal garden.

Your whisper lightly tickling my ear
It's Paris, ah, in the spring"
("Spring, spring, spring, spring")
"I feel so giddy, one thing is clear
You stir my heart to sing

Then once at the palace, they let their hands go, but then Minnie grabbed his hat and put in front so no one could see her kissing Mickey. Once done, she about took his hat as a dopey grin appeared on Mickey's face.

Don't take your hand from mine"
("Hand from mine")
"Just hold tight until you find"
("Hold on tight")
"You're the light I'm dreaming of"
("Dreaming of")
"And I'm waiting for you on wings of love"

"Bonne nuit," Minnie said, tossing Mickey's hat to him.

It landed on his head, the dopey grin not leaving as he fainted.

"Waiting for you on wings..."
("Lovely little wings")
"Of love"
("On wings of love")

"Ah, young love," the turtle sighed with a small chuckle.


A/N Yay! I love it!

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