A Crush?

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Roger huffed exasperatedly before bursting into a fit of nervous giggles. "Y-You?" He forced a snort whilst speaking, making it sound as if he really didn't fancy Brian. "O-of course not!"

Brian forcefully chuckled along, yet his heart shattered into an uncountable amount of pieces. He practically laughed the tears away, even if he knew Roger and he would never work out.

The rest of their walk was completely silent. You could almost literally cut the tension with a knife. When they arrived at the two houses plastered together, they said their goodbyes through a warm and loving hug.

"Good luck in there." Roger muttered, eyeing the Christmas wreath hanging on his bright red front door. "You'll need it." He chuckled when he noticed his fathers car still wasn't parked in their driveway.

Brian watched as his foot kicked a bunch of snow out of the way on his spot. "Thanks. You too... you'll need it too." Brian glanced back up to meet with the famous hazel eyes. "Roger, I-... No hard feelings about my question from earlier right?"

Roger cocked a curious eyebrow, watching as a soft shade of red joined the rosy colour of Brian's cold cheeks. "What do you mean? Do you have a crush on me or something?" Roger snickered, his nose wiggling with the movements of his mouth.

"N-no, it was just a joke." Brian clenched his teeth, his shivering hands stuffed in the warm fabric of the pockets of his coat.

Roger bobbed his head, and Brian could swear the slightest of disappointment was visible in his frowning eyes. "Y-yeah, okay." Roger took a quick glance at his surroundings before reverting his gaze to Brian. "Bri, can I be honest with you?"

"Always." Brian took a sharp breath, bracing himself for whatever Roger wanted to say to him. Probably something mean, or worse, a joke about Brian's stupid question from earlier.

Roger inhaled sharply, his teeth clattering on one another with the fresh breeze of cold air brushing against his face. "I-I actually do fancy..."

He got interrupted by the roaring of a car's engine, followed by the smashing open and closed of one of the car doors. A vague silhouette strutted their ways.

"You fancy who?" Brian quickly muttered, wanting to hear the rest of the sentence and deep inside he hoped Roger would say his name. It'd be perfect. They'd kiss right there and then, passionately with snowflakes gently dropping on their heated bodies. They'd pull away and look deep in one another's eyes, and Roger would say the words Brian had been longing to hear It's you, I like you... I love yo-

Brian cut his trail of thoughts off with the loud sigh escaping from his lips. He couldn't think that way; he had a boyfriend!

Roger looked back and noticed the faint frame nearing them. "N-never mind, Bri. It's not important."

The crunching of snow underneath the boots from the figure behind them came to a sudden halt when said person had found their destination; the boys. Roger looked up in a pair of flickering cerulean eyes. His mother's cerulean eyes.

"What're you boys doing out here, it's freezing!" She exclaimed, taking a hold of Brian's shoulders. "Brian, do you want to come in? Or are you going home?"

It took Roger a moment before he realised she was addressing him. He quickly shook his head, digging his hands in his pockets and turning around. "See you tomorrow, Rog." He waved behind him at the flustered blonde, both still weirded out with the sudden switch of names.

Brian followed Winifred through the door, the smell of freshly baked cookies nestling in his nostrils. He immediately got a warm feeling in his stomach with the beautiful Christmas decorations hung all over the mediocre sized house. Not just with that, but also with the fireplace softly crackling on the background, a Christmas vinyl on the record player softly playing over it.

A young blonde came running down the stairs and took what she thought was he bigger brother in her arms, nuzzling her head in his stomach. "I missed you, Rog." She whispered, her large eyes looking up into Brian's. "What happened to you? You seem different." She carefully pushed herself back from the blonde, scanning him judgingly.

"U-uh, nothing. Why?" Brian stumbled over his words, watching as Clare took a few steps back from the latter.

She knitted her eyebrows together, her arms crossed over her chest. "You're not Roger." She stated. "You're Brian, aren't you?" The young blonde's voice was barely above a whisper, almost inaudible over the low voice singing in the background.

Brian had no clue on how she knew, but decided not to deny it, for she was pretty sure about it already. "H-how did you know?" Clare's eyes widened at his question, causing Brian to think it might've been a joke.

"I saw Brian... You, laying in Roger's bed this morning." She simply shrugged her shoulders. "At first I thought you two finally became a couple, but then I heard Roger scream at the mirror, and when I peeked in his room Roger himself was nowhere to be found... And Roger always lifts me up when he gets home..." Clare finished with a bright smile, thinking of her brother. Though, she did really want to forget about what she actually saw when Roger was stood in front of the mirror, his hands dragging the waistband of his boxers furth-. No, she had to forget!

Brian slightly giggled, rolling his eyes. "What do you mean you thought we finally became a couple?" He cooed after a short while of being touched by the eager fingers of the young blonde who was examining if it really was Brian.

"The way you two look at each other... A blind man can see how much you two really like each other." She chuckled, spinning on her heel and sliding into the kitchen where her mother was stood with three mugs of boiling hot chocolate milk.

Brain followed her into the kitchen and sat next to the youngling behind the kitchen counter. Winifred handed them both their hot beverages, which they quickly started sipping on. "Thanks, Miss Taylor." Brian politely spoke, his eyes widening with the realisation of what exactly he just called her.

"Mom's fine with me." Winifred chuckled, joining the teenagers behind the kitchen counter and chucking down a whole lot of the brown liquid.

Clare cocked an eyebrow at the blushing boy next to her, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. Though, she immediately turned silent with the front door opening and slamming shut. She tensed on her chair, together with her mom, yet Brian was left dazzled with their sudden change of moods.

Wow! Over 100 reads... I can't even believe it! It means so much to me knowing people like spending their time by reading MY stuff.

Thank you all so much! And don't be scared to leave a comment :)

Peace and love☮️💞
-Nadz x

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