The Fight

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Warning: mentions of abusive behaviour/rape!!

"Rog, truth or dare?"

Roger turned to face John who had a devilish smirk tugging at his lips, his eyebrows cocked and teeth tugging at his chapped bottom lip.

"Have you ever fooled around with a guy?" He asked in a rather serious tone, yet he was clearly struggling to stop himself from laughing.

Roger's eyes fell on Brian who was watching with a rather involved expression plastered on his face. Roger allowed himself to think Brian really wanted to know whether he had or hadn't 'fooled around with a guy'. Perhaps, because he had an eye on Roger, but that was a foolish thought and Roger himself knew best.

He quickly shot a glance at Freddie, who rapidly shook his head with a quite fretted look painted on his face, as he clearly did not want Roger to spill their little secret.

Roger, luckily, thought the exact same about the matter and quickly shook his head. "Just girls." He muttered, a weak blush present on his pale cheeks.

"You seemed to think about that for a long time. Are you sure?" Brian chuckled, jokingly rolling his eyes, yet the slightest bit of genuine curiosity was evident in them.

Roger playfully bumped his fist against Brian's arm, not wanting to lie anymore, and therefor stayed silent. "Uh, Brian, truth or dare?" He finally spoke up.

"Truth as well, I guess." He raised his shoulders.

Finally. Roger whispered to himself; he had been wanting to ask Brian this specific question for a long time, and therefor suggested a game of truth or dare in the midst of their conversation about how exactly the four got switched up, right after his heart got broken by no one else but Brian himself. 'He's more like a little brother to me.' The words still rang in his ears.

Every time Roger tried to ask Brian, he'd say dare and Roger had to think of yet another humiliating act to perform, yet now he'd finally said truth and Roger was ready to hear it.

"Have you and Peter shagged yet?" Roger grinned widely, earning chuckles from both the bassist and singer whilst Brian blushed like a madman at this specific question.

Brian scratched the back of his neck in a nervous motion. "W-what?" He croaked out between gritted teeth.

"You heard the man." Freddie chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips.

John chuckled softly as he got pulled even closer by the other boy, Freddie's warm breath warming the sensitive skin of his neck, causing a trail of goose bumps to travel down his spine.
He nestled himself against Freddie's soft sweater, a smile spreading across his face with the feeling of the warmth the two now shared.

His attention quickly reverted to Brian who finally spoke up, "no, not yet." He whispered.

"Liar!" Roger raised his voice, throwing his body back against the couch, as they were all seated on the carpet in front of the lit fireplace, enjoying the warmth it radiated.

Brian gulped, his eyes widening the slightest. "What do you mean?" He uttered, watching as both Freddie and John moved forward with interest.

"I found a fucking rubber in your ABBA vinyl." Roger spat, trying to hide the tears swimming in his eyes with only the thought.

Brian suddenly stood up, his face red with fury and embarrassment. "You went through my stuff?! What the hell Roger?!" Neither one of them had ever before seen Brian this furious.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to listen to some music..." Roger's voice was barely above a whisper, it was only know that he realised whom he got those tantrums from, and whom he looked like whilst having them. The one figure whom he never once hoped he'd be similar to; his father. He was frightened to death and could easily curl up in a ball and cry with only the remembrance of his father.

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