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My first official Huntik mission. Today is that day! My father FINALLY gave me a mission to do! He even said that he has assigned a team to help me just incase it gets difficult. I dont care which team i get, as long as im not being monitored by my dad.
When i got to the airport and was waiting for my flight to board, i saw the team i was assigned to. Sophie sat beside me.
"So your the one Guggenheim said was joining us?" Sophie asked. We have been friends as of recently. Lok gets really jealous because of this.
"Yup! This is technically my first mission."
"Then your in for a treat." She told me. "This particular one is taking us to Hamlin to check on a troublesome titan." I perked up.
"Gremlow? I heard that one was particularly troublesome if you dont have a flute to play to get it back into its amulet."
"It is. Me, Lok, and Den barely managed to get it back into its amulet."
"Whoes Den?" I asked.
"Someone who was previously apart of our team but became a solo seeker last year." Sophie explained and i noticed that Lok was glaring at me. I moved a little bit away from sophie and she noticed the glare he was giving me. She went to talk to him and Dante stood in front of me.
"Welcome to the team, Leon." He told me and we shook hands. "Also, how much as your father taught you?" He asked.
"He taught me everything he knows and has been teaching me since i was little." I told him.
"He introduced you to this world when you were a kid?" He was baffled that someone would introduce a child to a dangerous world.
"Yes. He did. He also had me swear that i would only use my powers against those who are evil or while training so i wouldnt use them against an innocent person." I told him and he nodded. "And you can refer to my father by his name with me. Even i address him by such from time to time."
"And i was meaning to ask you. Who is your mother? I dont recall him having a wife at any point in time."
"I dont know who my mother is or was. And i certainly dont care. She left me and my father alone so she can die from being tortured by the organization for all i care." I told him bluntly. He was surprised to hear that from me. I try to be respectful tp those around me.
"Im sorry i asked. Anyway. Have you been on a mission before?"
"Not without my dad telling me to stay in the hotel room we book." I told him and he nodded.
"This is a generally tame mission so its a good starting mission. But Gremlow is a rather tricky titan."
"I read up on that titan. It is capable of bonding but it prefers to do its own thing. It acts like a rat in a way so if it ever gets loose again, no one will think much of it until a repeat of the pied piper happens." I told him. "Its also very sensitive to sound so titans that make some sort of sound will make it easier to defeat that surprisingly powerful titan."
"You really do know your stuff."
"With my dad being a council member, i spent a lot of time in the safe houses and huntik run libraries of the world with nothing to do but read." I told him.
"Where are you from?" He asked as he sat beside me.
"Switzerland. Lucerne being the town." I told him.
When we got to the church, Sophie, Lok, and Dante walked around. Zhalia went to get a flute just in case something goes wrong.
"Come on! Where is it? It was here last time!" Sophie was irritated.
"Did someone knock it loose?" I asked as i went to where they were.
"It was embedded into the wall. So thats pretty unlikely." Lok told me and i began to comb the ground for the amulet while whistling the song that was written on the walls. It sounded happy and cheerful. I then saw a rat on my foot. I stopped whistling and it ran off. I began to whistle again and it lead me to its amulet. It jumped back in. It was in the corner by where they were at, discussing what could have happened.
"I found it the amulet!" I told them and they looked to me and lok ran over to see.
"Thats the amulet alright. But how is it over here?"
"Someone could have knocked it free and kicked it over here."
"It is possible someone knocked it out by mistake and kicked it over here." Dante stated and sophie picked it up.
"Lets just put it back before it causes any trouble." She told us and put it back in its spot.
"And why were you whistling earlier?" Lok asked.
"Helps me focus on a task like finding something. You have your methods. I have mine." I told him. "And is there any good places tp eat around here?" I asked as i began to head to the door.
"There is a cafe nearby, Leon. Heard it was a pretty good place to eat."
Before i could open the door, i felt crawling on my pant leg and Lok began to freak out, trying to get something off of his leg.
"A little help?!" Lok asked and i got the ones on me off and began to whistle again and they went to a corner and didnt move.
"Stay here until Zhalia gets here, Leon. Sophie, stay with Leon. Keep Gremlow under wraps. Lok. Your with me." And they left.
"You know how to read music?" Sophie asked and began to whistle the song. I see her plan.
"Yeah. I play a lot of instruments too." And i began to whistle again.
"Really? What instruments?" And she began to whistle again.
"I play all types of clarinet, saxophone, i play piano, flute not so much but a little, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, tuba, sousaphone, and a recorder. All of which i own." And i got back to whistling.
"Why arent they going back into their amulet?" Sophie asked and got back to whistling.
"We arent whistling the exact notes needed to control them but playing the song at all will sedate them and keep them from swarming." I told her.
"And i was wondering. Where did you learn to play all those instruments?" She got to whistling and i began to thing and soon came to a conclusion.
"I... Dont know... I guess i have always known how... But i dont remember much from when i was little anyway so im not too surprised that i dont know." I told her and we switched.
"I see. I dont remember much from when i was little too... But i do remember bits and pieces every now and then."
"I dont. I wish i did so i know who to thank for teaching me to play my instruments. But i guess if it were ment to be, i would have remembered already." I told her and we switched back.
"Maybe you should ask your father."
"I always do but not much of what he says rings a bell. Only the fact that i cast my first spell when i was 12, that my mother was a musician, and that i invoked my fathers titan on accident ring a bell. Nothing else." I told her and got to whistling. It was slower now... She placed a hand on my sholder and Zhalia came back and saw Gremlow. She gave me the flute.
"Here. I hope you know how to play it." She told me. I stopped whistling and they began to swarm us faster than Sophie could start whistling again. I put the flute together but before i could play a note, it was knocked out of my hands and was knocked into the corner. I tried to move but i was tripped. They began to help get me free and as soon as i was, i ran for the flute, jumped up onto a bench and began to play and when they were in their amulet again, i began to breath normally again and grabbed the Amulet.
"This shouldnt be in a public area anymore." I told them.
"Leon. You might want to look at your hand." Zhalia told me and i noticed that it had bonded with me.
"It bonded with you?" Sophie asked.
"It did? Why me?! I dont want this nearly uncontrollable titan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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