Adams Confession-

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Both Adam and BJ sat on the couch, leaving an empty space in the middle to provide some space for the two of them. Like four inches apart cause there not gay. (Jk thats what this chapters about)

Adam looked over at Beej nervously than quickly looked away. They weren't alone in the room. Lydia and Barbara were on two other chairs, as Delia was leaning against the counter in the kitchen.

Adam gulped trying to gain as much confidence as he possibly could, cause, he needed it right now. Lydia could tell something was up. She looked at him a little concerned and confused but stood up and walked over to him. "Hey. You alright?" She asked.

"Oh yeah uh..I'm fine Lyds." He said trying to sound reassuring.

"I called her that first.." Bj grumbled like a jealous older sibling.

Lydia looked over at him then back at Adam. "No you're not. I can tell when you're lying, Adam. What's up?"

Adam sighed. "You're good.." he mumbled trying to figure out how to tell her. Well, all of them. He was really nervous and he was married! To a , very nice loving, woman. But the truth was, he was more attracted to guys. And a specific guy..well, demon.

"I actually have something to say.." He said.

Lydia nodded slowly. "The floor is yours." She said.

"Well-" He cleared his throat. Everybody was curious in what it could be. Even Delia peeked out of the kitchen to listen better.

"I actually am..attracted to a specific...god..screw it, I'm gay!" He said.

Barbara covered her mouth. Lydia just chuckled. "Heh, me too." She said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Me too! Well I'm like, half gay. I'm bisexual." Beej chimed in rubbing the back of his neck.

"That," Lydia started pointing at him. "Is not surprising to anyone." Lydia turned to the stairs and shouted up, "dad you owe me 20 bucks!"

"You were betting on my sexuality?" Bj asked.

"Damn right." She said.

Barbara was speechless. Delia, on the other hand was excited. She already knew she was about to buy a fuck ton of pride flags for the three LGBTQ+ bitches now.

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