1. Charlie {introduction}

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I sat down at the dinner table and rested my chin on my palms, letting out a frustrated huff of air. I hated homework. It was just stressful and put me in a bad mood. Ugh.

My mum came in and served up our food. Then my 16 year old big brother, Gabriel, stalked in after her and handed out the cuttlery.

"Charlie, get your sister, would you?" asked mum.


Mum just sighed at me.

"COMING!" That was Panya code for 'I'll be down in about ten minutes.'

Ten minutes later, we were finally all sat around the table.

"Bon apetite!" My mum said cheerily. Panya rolled her eyes as she watched me hungrily, and without hesitation, start to shovel my spagetti into my mouth. Psh! Whateva muvafuka! I'd eat how I wanted to eat. I may have looked like an ordinary 13 year old boy, but soon I'd be a man! *Wacks chest dramatically then winces* Ahem...

Really, I just wanted to get bigger than Gabriel - although that wasn't going to be hard. Literally he was like only 5'4 and really skinny. Maybe I should aim higher than him... Yep, definetely.

We ate in silence for a while, Panya awkwardly opening her mouth as if she was about to say something and then closing again, it until my mother broke the silence, "So Charlie, Panya, how was school today?"

Panya looked at me expectantly then. I knew she wanted me to tell mum about my bully, Sasha, but I didn't need there help with harmless teenage banter.

"It was good mum."

"Did anyone mess with you?"Panya asked pointedly, still trying to prompt me into admitting something.

"Nah," I lied.

We continued to eat and mum didn't ask how Gabriel's day went or even speak to him for that matter. I guess I should've been used to this.

I didn't know why but for roughly the last year, my mother had tried desperetely to keep her contact with her eldest child at an absolute minimum. Dad wouldn't tell us anything - not that he was, like, ever in these days - either.

I was sure it must have eaten Gabriel up inside, but he didn't talk about it and pretended it didn't effect him. He did'nt talk or react to anything really, to be honest.

Panya finally couldn't hold it in and started babbling about her day and her friends and teacher and by the end of dinner I knew practically every detail, that I hadn't already been informed of in school that day. That girl could talk.

She was quite annoying though. I Mean sure I loved her flamboyant self, she was my twin so of course I did - though I'd never admit it out loud - but she could just be... Irritating? Clingy? Overwhelming? Dense? But I would never tell her that and break her heart.

After dinner Gabriel, Panya and I hurried upstairs. Gabriel glanced at us awkwardly before shutting himself in his room. I was about to do the same when Panya bounded up to me.

"Charlie! Can we pla- hang out?" she asked eagerly. She was so childish. I could tell she was going to say play. I mean, really? Play?

I grimaced internally. I just... didn't like hanging out with her much. She became annoying.

"Er, sorry, Panya... not today."

She kept her bright smile on her face but I noticed her eyes dim, "Oh..." she grinned wider though, and flipped her long purple fringe out of her brown eyes that were identical to mine, "That's ok! Another time... see you later - or tomorow - I guess!" she then spun around and shut her door quietly after her.

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