Chap 1

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Blake's POV

I was sitting in my living room with the guys, waiting for Bethany (Beth). "Guys, you are going to love her," I said.

"Where is she?" asked Drew. "Our interviewer is late."

"Is should be any second now," I said. "She just got off class a few minutes ago."

"College," said Jayk.

"Hey Blake," said Beth. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's fine," I said as she turned around to look at us. "This is my band." She started sign language. "Beth."

"What's she doing?" asked Drew.

"Sign language," I said. "Just give me a second." I pulled Beth into the kitchen. "What happened?"

"Habit," said Beth.

"You know TC," I said.

"Yeah, but not the other three," said Beth. I looked at her. "I did my homework."

"Why don't you just give me the questions and I'll make the video for you," I suggested.

"I have to be mentioned in the video," said Beth.

"I'll say that to you, Bethany Cross, sent us, After Romeo, some questions for us to answer because you couldn't make the interview," I said. "We'll say you got sick or something, okay? But I'm determined to get you to start talking again."

"Good luck on that," said Beth handing me the questions.

"Don't need it," I said as we walked into the living room. "Bye Beth."

Beth sighned languaged bye to TC. "Bye Beth," said TC. She left. "Why doesn't she talk anymore?"

"Oh, she doesn't have a problem with us," I said. "She doesn't know Drew, Jayk, or Dev." I set up a camera. "So we're going to make the video for her." I pressed record. "I'm Blake."





"And we're After Romeo," we said together.

"Bethany Cross couldn't make the interview so she emailed us the questions. She's not feeling well," I said. "So the first question, how'd we become a band?"

"Blake and I performed together here in Athens, Georgia when we were younger," said TC.

"Drew and I grew up together in Vegas," said Jayk.

"I met Devin at a conference and I was like he's perfect for our group," said Drew.

"Then, we all came together and became After Romeo," said Jayk.

"The second question is, what style of music do we sing?" asked TC.

"Pop and EDM," said Drew. "If you come to our concert this Saturday at 3PM at the performing arts center, you'll see what we're talking about."

"We feed off that energy and it gets our fans pumped," said Devin. "The third questions is what do we call our fans?" I looked at Devin. "That's easy. Bromeos and Juliets."

"The fourth questions is how do we know Bethany Cross," said Drew.

"TC and I know her personally because we are friends from dance class," I said. "She doesn't know Drew, Jayk, or Devin very good yet."

"The fifth question, are we willing to go to the speech class and perform for you and tell you our role in the band tomorrow?" asked Jayk.

"Yeah, of course," said Drew. "We'll be there."

"So, we hope you got to know us a little more," I said. "And we can't wait to speak with you individually." I ended the video and got out the flashdrive. "Now, we have to get this drive to Bethany tomorrow."

"Let's hope she's able to talk tomorrow," said TC. "Otherwise, we're doomed."

Beth's POV

The next day, I was waiting outside my speech class waiting for Blake and his friends. "I can't be late," I said. I saw Blake walk up the stairs. He walked up to me and gave me a hug. "I thought you were going to be late."

"Never," said Blake handing me the drive. "See you in a few."

"Okay," I said. I walked in and plugged my flashdrive in the laptop and played the video. At the end, everyone clapped. "That's my celebrity interview." I have to speak in front of them. I opened the door and let them in. "This is Blake, TC, Drew, Jayk, and Devin."

"Hey guys," said Blake. "We're here to tell you our roles in the band." I stood between Blake and TC, where I was comfortable. "I, Blake English, do the choreography for the band. If you come to our free show Saturday, you'll see what I do."

"Devin does graphic design which is huge for our music videos," said Drew. "I, Drew, am the songwriter in the group."

"I'm Jayk Purdy and I'm the social media hustle," said Jayk. "I tweet about the important things and comment back to fans."

"I rap and beat box when needed," said TC. "I'm TC, by the way."

"Do you have a music video you can show us?" asked Mrs. Jo.

"Beth, SSS," said Blake.

I started typing on the computer. "SSS means Save Some Snow," I said. "It was one of their Christmas songs." I played the music video till the end. "And that's one of my favorite music videos ever."

"Off the record," said Mrs. Jo. "Are you with the girl in the video?"

"Acacia Brinley and I are not together at all," said TC.

"Nothing leaves this room," said Mrs. Jo. I nodded. "Being on the road so much, can you have a relationship? Are you in a relationship?"

"I'm not," said Drew.

"Yeah," said TC.

"No but I hope to," said Devin as he winked at me.

"Yes," said Jayk. "My girl will be at the concert this Saturday."

"Yes," said Blake.

"You never told me this," I said.

"I met her in Dallas and her name is Madison," said Blake. "And I found out her and Jayk's girl are best friends."

"How do you keep it on the DL?" asked Sam, a girl in class.

"We simply don't tell anyone," said Jayk.

"What about your fans?" asked Sam. "Doesn't your girls get jealous?"

"They understand that it's our job,' said Blake.

"Would you mind singing us a song?" asked Mrs. Jo.

"Not at all," said TC. "Which song, Beth."

"Fight For Love," I said. They sang and everyone clapped. Class was dismissed. "You were great."

"She talk," said Drew.

"I had to warm up to you guys," I said. "Blake, when can I meet Madison?"

"Her and Alexis just arrived at my parents," said Blake. "Now. Let's go." We went over to Blakes and walked in. There stood two gorgeous girls that the guys hugged. "Glad you're here. Guys this is Beth, Beth this is Alexis and Madison."

"Hi," I said. "You girls are gorgeous."

"Us?" asked Alexis. "Look at you."

"Stop," I said. "How'd you meet each other?"

"That's where it get's complicated," said Alexis.

"Right?!" agreed Madison. "Five years ago."

"I think I can keep up," I said. "Try me."

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