Chap 4

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Britt's POV

"So, what did you guys think?" I asked. The fans screamed. "Were we great?" They screamed again. "I take that as a yes."

Alexis looked toward the door that the boys were going to some out of. "Are you ready for After Romeo?" asked Alexis. "So, we ask of you for one thing." Alexis looked at me. "Let's bring the boys out."

"When we say After, you said Romeo," said us girls. "After!"

"ROMEO!" exclaimed the fans.

We put the mics down where they belong and walked back to the green room. "We need to choose a new song," said Beth.

"Really Don't Care," said Alexis.

"I love that song," said Madison.

"New song," said Jonnie walking in.

"Really Don't Care," said Madison.

"Excuse me?" asked Jonnie.

"No, that's the name of the song," I said. "Really Don't Care by Demi Lovato."

"Okay," said Jonnie. "Start figuring out who's singing what part."

"Alexis," said Beth as Jonnie walked out.

"Three verses, five of us," I said.

"Cut the verses in half," said Alexis.

"Six verses, five of us," I said.

"Who's going to since the extra verse?" asked Alexis.

"You," I said. "You ARE the leader."

"I was going to give someone else two parts," said Alexis.

"No, you're getting the extra part," said Beth. "There's a reason your jersey says number one."

"Okay, okay, okay," said Alexis. "But you have to remember, we work as a group." We looked at her. "We all contribute to the ideas and decisions made as a group. We share the work equally."

"We really don't have a role to play in the group," I said. "What do you suggest?"

"Let's get our solos set before we get to that," said Alexis. "Okay. The first verse." She looked at her phone. "Cynthia gets the first half and we all sing hey. Then Beth gets the second half. Then of course everyone sings the chorus. Madison first half of the second chorus and we all sing go. Then I get the second half. The rap, I'll get the first half and Britt, you got the second half."

"The verse says Demi though," I said.

"Change it to girlies," said Alexis. "Something that fits."

"Alright," I said.

"Now, let's get to our roles," said Alexis. "Madison, you got the choreo."

"The dance moves?" asked Madison.

"That's the plan," said Alexis.

"B-b-but," Madison stuttered.

"Work with Blake," I smiled. "The guys already got their dances down."

"Exactly," said Alexis. "Who wants to work with the social media?"

"I will," said Beth. "I can work with that."

"Rap?" asked Alexis. Britt raised her hand. "Okay, Britt. Sometimes that will switch from people to people so that you know that. Cynthia, we really don't have much for you so I guess graphic design." I looked at Alexis. "And I have the songwriting I guess and I'll work with Drew on that."

"We are finally going to have originals?" I asked.

Cynthia's POV

"You and Drew better write some amazing songs," I said.

"Drew's an amazing song writer," said Alexis. "We got this."

"We should each do a duet with our guys," said Madison. "Just pick a song." I looked at her. "I just think it'll be something cool."

"I don't have a Romeo," I said.

"You have a best friend," said Britt. "You can sing with him."

"Drew is an amazing singer and honestly, it would be an honor to share the stage with him," said Alexis. "I would sing with Drew if I had the chance. Except, I'm going to sing with Jayk which makes it even more special."

"We need to find some sweet songs to sing with them," said Beth.

"Sing with who?" asked TC walking in.

"We were discussing that at the next concert we should sing a duet with our Romeo," said Britt hugging Teec. "What do you think?"

"I love the idea," said TC. "We should talk to Jonnie about it."

"Talk to me about what?" asked Jonnie.

"Singing a duet with our Romeo," said Beth. "Cynthia would sing with Drew."

"I think that's an awesome idea," said Jonnie, "but then we need to figure out wardrobe for the couples."

"They could wear what they're wearing," said Jayk. "We can get matching jerseys. Just ours will have some different things."

"Like what?" asked Drew.

"Well, take Alexis' jersey for example," said Jayk as he stood Alexis in front of him. "The front of mine would say Jayk with the number one and on the back..." He turned Alexis around. " would say Alexis' Romeo."

"Are you girls perfectly fine wearing the same thing next week?" asked Jonnie.

"Can we wear jeans instead?" I asked.

"You need to match up with the guys," said Jonnie. "We can figure that out when we're on the road because right now, you're fans are waiting for the meet and greet."

"With the girls?" asked Drew.

"No, it's just you guys," I said. "We're just an opening act."

"We will see you back at the house," said Alexis. "We have to go and pack."

"Okay boo," said Jayk kissing Alexis on the cheek.

"Get a room guys," I said.

"Let's go girls," said Beth.

"Yeah," said Aleixs. "You guys have fun."

"We'll be missing you," said Blake.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said. We walked out to the cars. "Who's riding with Alexis?"

"I am," said Madison. "Like always."

"She always rides shotgun unless we are with the guys," said Alexis.

"And why is that?" asked Beth.

"Oh, you don't know," said Madison. "We're long lost twins."

"Yeah, and I used to be a Blake Juliet," said Alexis.

"Let's get to Blake's and pack our suitcases," I said.

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