Chapter 8: Help

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Soft guitar noises play as a man plays it with such passion
Next to him another man, wearing a gas mask, cuddled up to him as he lets out muffled giggles from the warmth his Texan boyfriend and the campfire were offering him. It was truly a satisfying feeling.

Engineer gave Pyro a kiss on his head even though he was wearing the mask
Pyro let out a soft muffled giggle as a response since he couldn't kiss the Texan back, unless he took off his mask which he only did in "special" occasions.
Engie had asked Pyro out on a date for their two year anniversary and they both agreed on going camping. The engineer put his guitar away and laid Pyro's head on his lap.

"Say love, why don't you take off your mask?"
The engineer asked his lover, only to earn a "Mmph" from the other. He really wanted to kiss Pyro's face right now, but since Pyro was really sleepy, he left it for tomorrow.

Silence followed after that


They both got up alarmed, Engie grabbed his shotgun and Pyro picked up his axe

"Hmph?? Mmph!" Pyro added
The engineer looked at him "Yes I know they said my name, just stay on guard"
They were looking around, no sign of life anywhere, until a worried tired sniper popped out of the bushes.

"sniper?! What the hell partner!" The Texan growled as his boyfriend giggled and hugged the bushman, it had really been a while since they last saw each other
Sniper was panting, it looked like he had been crying, he was just a mess
Pyro got worried pretty quickly after seeing the Australians condition
"Mmph?? Hudda huh Hmph!!"
Sniper looked at Engie
"What's the thing saying?"
The Texan got mad pretty quick after he called his boyfriend a "thing"
"Listen here buddy, if you ever call him a thing again I will—" he was cut off from a clearly angry Pyro
Engie sighed and nodded "yes alright sorry, he asked what's wrong"
The bushman looked down
"I uh.. gave a love letter to the blue medic"
They both shot up, Pyro scratching his masked head and Engi really pissed off
"Why in tarnation would you give a love letter to the enemy medic?! You're supposed to kill him! Not date him!" He growled angrily as the Australian stepped back ,kind of scared.
"J-Just help me find him please! Then you'll understand why" but the Texan wasn't listening anymore, he was walking closer and closer to sniper holding his shotgun. "Maybe you're a traitor" he added.

Pyro stepped in between them and took off his mask.
"Dell! Stop! Don't you see he's tired and scared?!"
The Engineers eyes widened, it had been such a long while since he heard Pyro's sweet beautiful voice. "But don't you see sweetheart?! He's a traitor! He needs to be brought down!" He loaded his shotgun "NO! He's not a traitor!" Pyro grabbed sniper's hand and picked him up "he's just.. crazy in love" he smiled sweetly, as the bushman smiled back in relief that someone actually understands. "Just like us Dell, don't you love me?". Engi sighed and put his shotgun down. "Of course I do pumpkin" he smiled slightly and hugged his boyfriend ever so sweetly.

After all of that they got sniper something to drink and eat. "Listen mates, I need to keep moving, I really don't know where he is at". Engi got him some bacon "did he ran off after you gave him the letter?" the Texan asked, getting a slight nod from the Australian. "Hmph?" Pyro asked. "Well long story short, he thought I was playing with his feelings" sniper sighed, only to get another sigh from Pyro. "We'll help you find him partner!" Sniper got up from his seat "really?!" He asked surprised, Pyro nodded and hugged him. "You guys are true mates" he smiled relieved "I'll eat quickly then lets get going, Ye?" They both nodded and waited for him to eat his delicious bacon.

~Camping is fun! (Team Fortress 2, Bushmedicine fan fic)(Red!Sniper x Blu!Medic)Where stories live. Discover now