Ashley walk back in to "Freaddy FazBears Pizza" she wanted to eat lunch there and so she could have a talk to the manager.
It was almost time to close when she arived , a sort skinny lady walked up to her and said.
" can u take your order ma'am"
" umm .. Sure and call me miss security guard.." Ashley said with a smerk upon her FACE.(lol moment).
Anyways she followed the stout woman to her table, Ashley orderd rights away.
30 minutes later it was closing time. Kids sobed held on to shins soon even keep tger parents waiting in the bathroom. Some were happy to go and some.. Well we mental. Anyways right when the manger stepped out of his office Ashley said. "Hey umm.. Mike may I have a word with you.'
"O-ok" he said scared
" OK you did not tell me the animals tryed to kill me." She said holding him up against the wall.
"Umm. Ah didebt a r-re-cordi-nng s s -- say" he said trying to catch ho breath.
"Is that so"
Ashley threw him agenst the wall and he fell. She went to her office And mike ran out of the biuling and left.
Meen while all the moment started atr 12:07 and bonnie came at her twice and foxy stepped out and back in his curyens at exactly 4:59_ and it went on from there.
It was almost 6:00 and bonnie attacked when Freddy told him not to. He apperd and Ashley closed the door as fast as she could.
Then it was time to go bonnie stood still in the hall way. Will the kids nitice ?.
Ashley stormed out and franslcisca picked her up from the evil place.

Fear of 4
FanfictionThis story guys is about the new or kinda new FNAF(Five Nights At Freddy's ) this is my favorite game so i hope you enjoy