Rain (smut)

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Lance P.O.V.

It was pretty musky on this planet. The humid weather causing my hair to curl at the ends, only slightly. The weather was always strange on the alien planets we were assigned too. By 'we' I mean Keith and I. I preferred not getting paired with the hot headed paladin but Shiro keeps saying how we should try working together more hoping we could have another "bonding moment", that I'll never admit really happened. Its all Keith's fault. If he just wasn't so...so...perfect all the time. With his great training, great comebacks, great combat skills, great piloting skills, and great ass. I mean damn that ass!? Eww no Lance stop that. Its not all my fault he's the one who wears tight pants all the time. Whatever. I huffed as we continued trekking through the strange looking field. The clouds above us were swirling at a quick pace looking sort of familiar to the clouds back on Earth. I held out my hand waiting for what I prayed would be some sort of normal, unlike the last planet that rained yellow rocks, water rain. Rain reminded me of Earth, back home. Back when me and brother would jump in water puddles and splash the muddy water on my older sister Veronica. I could hear Keith's footsteps stop as well.

"Lance, what are you doing?"

I ignored him, coming to a stop, still waiting for a drop too hit my hand. I was starting to think it wouldn't rain which made me a little disappointed. I sighed shaking my head letting my footsteps pick back up.


I turned to face him only to feel a small thud of water hit my nose. He raised a brow at my shocked expression. I looked up and saw the small rain droplets falling slowly.

"It's raining."

I smiled taking of my jacket holding it in my hands letting the rain soak me.

Keith P.O.V.

What's up with Lance? I mean its just rain. Maybe he just really likes rain. I sighed crossing my arms as he continued to hold his tongue out trying to catch the rain in his mouth.

"What's the big deal s'just water."

He placed a hand on his hip.

"Yeah water. Not rocks."

Laughing quietly to myself, I noticed a drop hit his nose making him groan. Alright time to get back to work. This infestation won't destroy itself.

"Alright c'mon Lance the rain isn't going anywhere...by the looks of it."

I stated, gesturing to the purplish clouds gathering in the sky. He nodded throwing his jacket over his shoulder.

As we trudged through the unbearably long field I noticed Lances shirt was getting drenched from the rain. The water causing his shirt to stick to his tan skin defining the outlines of his fairly built chest and back muscles. I felt the small blush dust across my cheeks so I looked away hoping he wouldn't notice. Unfortunately, from the low chuckle I heard from him, he did notice only making my blush darken from embarrassment.

"You good there buddy?"

He mocked nudging my shoulder. I rolled my eyes swerving past him. He only laughed harder but I kept ignoring him. Finally I could see a cave opening in the distance.

"Exact coordinates leads to that cave. Hurry lance its probably getting worse!"

I demanded beginning to run towards the cave. Lance followed close behind pulling his, oversized, jacket back over his shoulders.

Lance P.O.V.

When we reached the start of the cave Keith was first to go in pulling out his weapon holding it close just in case of an unexpected attack. He was always prepared for stuff like that. It was so annoying. I walked close behind him looking around cautiously. It was surprisingly really beautiful deep inside this cave. The walls were glistening with small diamond...or glass shards. I couldn't tell. Water was dripping down the sides of the rocks in little streams. I was too off guard by the bueaty of it all when I didn't notice a fairly large rock in my straightaway path. Next thing I new I had stumbled over the rock causing me to fall face first onto the cold damp ground. I groaned rolling on my side pressing my palm to the side of my head. Luckily I wasn't bleeding just light headed from the hit. Keith quickly was by my side moving my hand away inspecting the cut on my forehead. He huffed extending his hand out for me.

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