Rain (smut) Part 2

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(The only reason there's a part 2 is because wattpad kept deleting some of my text so I had to put it on another part.)

| "I-is this okay?"

I questioned as my other hand roamed the built. muscles of his chest. |


Lance P.O.V.

He nuzzled his face further up my neck. I could feel his quick breaths below my ear causing goosebumps on my skin. I should not think sweaty Keith smells good but oh lord if I didnt think this boy wasn't already delicious enough. The musk mixed with whatever soap he has been using was filling my senses with nothing but Keith, Keith, Keith. This hot headed boy was gonna be the death of me.

I took Keith's actions as an easy yes. Letting my fingers trail down over Keith's abdomen. I could feel his dick pressing against my leg. I reached the fairly large wet spot on his bodysuit. I grinned pressing my hand down against it. He let out a broken moan right against my ear.

"And this?"

He whined lowly as his hips began chasing that feeling again and again.

"Look at you. Rutting against my palm like that. Its so hot Keith."

He started mouthing at my neck; sucking and licking whatever the bodysuit didn't cover. I leaned down putting his earlobe between my teeth and tugging lightly. I felt his hand gripping on my shirt tightly pulling me impossibly closer.

"Kiss me, kiss me, please kiss me lance.."

I chuckled moving my hand from his dick and placing it on his chest plate pushing him back gently on the cave wall.

"Calm down Keith I don't think the storm is going any-"

A pair of soft plush lips cut me off, pressing hard against my thin ones in a sloppy uncoordinated kiss. I leaned in tilting my head to line us up right. The kiss immediately got better with the new angle. Of course his lips were incredibly soft. It didn't make since how someone could be so perfect. I had always imagined his lips would be bitten and rough, even then he still would kiss the daylight out of him every chance given, the complete opposite of how they feel right now.

I managed to pull away long enough to jerk off his chest plate tossing it aside. Before I could pull mine off his hands pressed against my stomach. His hands continued their way up feeling how my my muscles clenched under the gentle touches. Finally, he reached my chest plate pulling it off and tossing alongside his own.

"Oh Keith..."

I whispered against his neck, like he did to me earlier, basking in the sweet shiver it caused. He tried leaning forward against me but I grabbed his knees pressing them up against his chest spreading them enough for me to align our dicks perfectly together in the most delicious friction possible. He threw his head back howling in pleasure. The noise echoed in the cave.

"Ah! Y-you feel so big Lance"

Rocking my hips forward I pressed our dicks together over and over. I'm usually pretty good with stamina but every broken moan and whine that was coming from him was really bringing me closer and closer over the edge.

"Lance! F-fuck...hah...fuck meee...ah!"

My hips stuttered stopping almost immediatley. Keith wined again back arching and chest uselessly pressing up. I pressed my hands down onto his hips holding him down. He experimentally wiggled in my strong grip huffing when he couldn't manage to move.

"You want me to fuck you?"

He stopped struggling against my grip. Looking up at me with those begging eyes from earlier. He bit down on his lip looking like he was debating between his options. His hands gripped onto mine before using his training skills to twist them off his hips and quickly flipping himself around. Oh. My. Quiznack.

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