Sexting (smut)

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Angling the camera downwards enough to only see the cocky smirk I wore and toned abbs of my stomach I snapped a quick picture. Finger hovering over the snap, giving it a satisfied once over, I tapped and typed into the thin black box,


,simple but definitely to the point. Tapping the sideways arrow on the bottom right corner of my screen I scanned through the usernames of tonight's prey.

TheLexyyy, no too snobby. Brian(fromtheparty), yeah not a chance. I scoffed at the screen holding down on his username and blocking him. Let's see here..

" uh..maybe-"



A blue Snapchat message notification popped up at the top of my list and of course it had to be from the one and only Keith Kogane aka SexyMullet. I grinned at the screen scrolling back to the top discarding my flirty snap, for now. Perfect timing. I swiped right,

'I swear to god if u dont stop stealing my fukin hot pockets I'm gunna ban u from my dorm for good'

I giggled quietly noting a sleeping Hunk on the other side of the small dorm. Tapping the camera button I resumed lifting my shirt, a little higher this time, and let my grey sweatpants ride down just low enough to see my full v-line and the trimmed happy trail there. The flash was on so I made sure he could see my flirty smile in the top corner of the snap. I typed in the thin box


Oh this was gunna be so much fun.


It took him a few minutes before opening the snap. And took him even longer to reply. Good. I lazily scanned through peoples story till my phone dinged in a new text.

From SexyMullet

I clicked on it a little to quickly but god I loved our teasing banter. Well more like mine but I take full pride in it.

'I'm serious Lance'

Typing to fast for my self conscious to bud in and tell me that he probably would live up to the threat I let my horny mind get the best of me. This time I pulled the camera angle down to face more towards the fairly large bulge in my sweatpants, I wasn't even hard that's just how generous my genes had been, and let my finger tug slightly on the side loop of my sweatpants just to tease. I wish I was there to see that cute flush I knew he had right right now. I tapped the pic once more,

'So am I'

,I clicked the blue and white arrow.


My large hand trailed down to cup my dick lightly massaging and groping it into hardness. Its not like I planned on this going anywhere it never usually did but a bad thing about the Mclaines is that they never know when to give up.

From SexyMullet

I left the text open so I could respond quickly in hope of keeping him from losing interest in my attempts.

'What does that even mean?!'

He's such a bad liar. After as many late night texts and one liners I had used on on him he knows what I mean.

'Don't play dumb sweetcheeks'

I didn't bother sending a snap this time. My grin widened and hand sped its movements when my phone began vibrating.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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