Chapter 16 Complications

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7 AM Meeting.

I Shrugged on my black jumper and kicked on my blue and purple rimmed converse. Luke had asked me to meet him in his room early hours at un humanly hours. I usually sleep untill like 12 or 1. I sheepishly knocked on the door and walked in .

" Erm.. Luke you wanted me? " I yawned halfway through my sentence and my face blushed in embarrassment. I stepped in as he swiped his hand in approval and his eyes were angry and dark,

" What were you doing with tyler Last Night? " He said coldly and stern.

My eyes widen and my face suddenly frowned. " So You think i'd really sleep with him? You think Im a Slut is that what your saying? I was just testing out hiss car thats all " I folded my arms totally offended.

His eyesbrows raised and within seconds his arms were around my waist and I was pulled to him close. " No katy I was just worried I dont think your a slut. Your my beautifull Luna and I love you so much. I was just worried that you preferred him to me. Plus I saw him walk away from your room yesterday and I got curious. ".

I couldnt help but melt into him like butter on toast. He was so sweet with words Which i was a sucker to. I Nodded slowly " He walked me to my room for some reason i said he didnt have to but he did. I didnt mind it. He said he's getting me keys to the ccar he pimped up and I can drive it".

Luke's gripped tightened and he pulled my head to rest under his chin. " Just becarefull. tyler is a very sneaky guy. He will do anything to get into your pants Katy " He growled at the last part but tilted my head up and snuck a kiss on my lips. it was a sweet and innocent one.

" Okay I know. Your protective side is coming out and its ugly sweetie. Just Take a chill pill your the only person I want at the moment Luke noone else. Dont worry Im sensible you know me " With that I left the room skittishly. afraid he would start moaning again.

4PM In The Garage

I was in the garage staring at the car infront of me. Tyler was washing the car and he turned to me throwing a spunge soaked in soapy lavendar scented suds. I squealed as it hit me right in the chest. I pouted and ran over wringing the sponge out over his head and laughed. " You look like a seagull took a large crap on your head ".

Tyler smirked and got the bucket of water and splashed it at me. " Oh yeah? You look like a drowned rat " He laughed and slipped on the soap pushing me into the wall accidently. I coughed inhaling the soap making me grimace and hiccup, i somehow imagned bubbles starting to float out my mouth untill i snapped back into realisation, That tyler was milimetres from my face. My Cheeks fell into a large red blush. " Oh.. Tyleryour abit.. close aren't you? ". I said awkwardly like usual.

He nodded slowly, his face red and soap dripping down his face " I know. Did you know your really pretty? " He says I opened my mouth to talk but before I could His tongue was forced into my mouth. it was one weird slobbery kiss that was forced. I pulled away " Tyler stop ".

Tyler didnt stop and his hand rested on her hip sliding up my shirt. His kiss becoming more forcefull. " No come on lets have some fun " He said between breaths.

Tyler was hauled away from me " I believe she told you to stop " Came a familier voice. Luke was standing there his face angry. his crimson wolf eyes glowing black veins appearing on his face. He was about to change. Into a wolf. meaning he was about to beat the crap out of him.

" Luke " I said breathlessly running over to grab his hand but he pushed me away.

" No Katy. " His voice was stern. And breathless furing with rage. I imagined steam coming out of his ears thats how angry he was. His hand clenched around Elliots throat and slammed him against the wall growling loudly his large canines protruding from his gums. " I Believe When A Lady Says Stop. You Stop. Especially when he mate is the Alpha " He was snarling his hands began to grow fur. I knew his claws would come next and slice into Tylers throat. I couldnt let that happen even though he kissed me.

" Luke " I shouted and ran over sliding my hand up his shirt resting my bare hand on hiss bare chest. Skin to skin contact with one and other mates calmed them down. Luke's breathing slowed and his grip dropped tyler making him slide to the ground gasping for air like a fish on land.

" K..Katy " Luke said quitely like a little puppy. He pulled me close hugging me and taking in my scent to ease his nerves. His kisses on my cheaks sent tingles along my face. He turned to Elliot on the floor " You are exiled from the pack. If I see you near my territory or on it I will not hesitate to kill you next. Get your things. Your leaving at Dusk. I demote you to Rougue ".


The whole pack was surrounding the only exit from the territory, Pack house. It was a dirt road about 10 miles long untill it met civilization. Tyler had his bags and packed it in his car. Damn I really hoped he would leave that but oh well. We All watched him drive away and Luke scratched his name off the Pack wall with a large "E" over his name which stands for exiled. Theres a "D" for deceased too.

In bed cuddling into Luke wearing winter Pajamas

" Luke where will Tyler go now he's exiled? " I said into the quiet pitch black room.

" Find another pack or just go into human life and get a job. " He says yawning " Im going to sleep now so dont be long on your phone. You need sleep too ".

Luke felt the need to get rid of tyler scent from my lips by kissing me over and over for like 30 minutes and moaned at me when i giggled. I couldnt help but laugh. it was funny. But then he fell asleep. 

My Phone flashed blue and I opened it up. There was one text from my Mum Which said { " Hey Hunni Bunni How was your day?"}

I Rolled my eyes at her nickname she still gives me and I sent one last message before falling asleep in Luke's arms { " There was a lot of... er.. Complications "}

Chapter 17 coming soon!

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