Ciel Phantomhive X Seme Male Reader

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MODERN- summary:
Also ciels parents are dead but they didn't die on his birthday/Christmas.
It was snowing since it was almost Christmas you being you were shopping with sebastian as he needed help finding a gift for a his husband Claude and his son alois ( alois is like 5 in this ) dont judge anyway... ( You can make whatever age you want ciel in this idc) anyway again... Your boyfriend and you were getting married on  (dream wedding date) so let's get this story on with!

《Ciel POV》

Iam waiting for my fiancee who is currently shopping with my bestfriend for my birthday and for Christmas honestly I dont care I told him many times I dont need or want anything but he is stubborn as hell I tried to keep myself busy by reading a book  but I cant concentrate without my lover near me. where is he he has been gone for nearly three hours now. I scowled and closed my book and shuffled out of the blankets (m/n) wrapped around me as I was sick, anyway, I shuffle toward my phone and click on numerous things and I call my fiancee.

Back at the mall=

《(M/n)'s POV》

My phone rang in the busy cafe as I was taking a break from shopping with sebastian. I grap my phone and squeeze past the customers waiting for their beverages I gave sebastian a apologetic look and head out the busy cafe. I click/slide the button to receive the incoming call from my lover.

"Yes babe" I murmured to the phone

(M/n) when the hell are you coming home you and sebastian better not be spending too much money tell him I will rat him out to claude. And I will kill you .

I shivered by the cold voice Ciel used, we were only half way threw all the shopping  and I haven't gotten anything for ciel yet but sebastian has gotten a load full of stuff I chuckled lowly

"Nope babe I promise you it's not me its sebastian I still need to get you something" I muttered

"(M/N) FOR CRYING OUT LOUD JUST COME HOME ( I just typed in hoe instead of home ) YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR NEARLY FUCKING 3 HOURS ...BABE(sarcasm used in babe)"

Oh shit it's been that fucking long I just realized its 5 in the evening crap I need to get ciel something fuck

"Ciel iam so sorry I promise I will be home... I love you"

I quickly put the phone down and literally  dragged sebastian out of the cafe while he was taking our orders

"What (m/n) what are you doing"

No time we need to get Ciel something now before its dark out. I glared at him before opening the jewelry store door

Sebastian smiled innocently as we looked around the store for a suitable wedding ring for ciel since he wanted  to go together and get but I really want to suprise him and propose properly. I rolled my eyes as sebastian flirted with the girl I recall who's name is beast I am definitely telling claude as he told ceil I kissed or made out with one of my exs. I sighed as nothing caught my eye. I grabbed sebastian out of the store and drove back home I shall have to look sometime this week. I huffed as I dropped sebastian home not without telling claude what I saw at the jewelry shop and  snickered as he got dragged away by the ear.

Ceil POV

I heard (m/n) come home as I pick our dog up and set him off the bed and climbed in as I saw in the corner in my eye that he had nothing in his hands then wtf why was he shopping I swear this basterd gets on my nerves sometimes. "Hey love" he climbed in bed and shifted his head on my lap sorry he in murmured against my torso. "Mhm" I mumbled as I played with his (h/c) hair . You not gonna kill me he smirked. No I dont have the energy and I think next time you should keep track of your time. (M/n) frowned as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around his waist and neck while he held me tight. We took a peaceful bath together and  got ready for bed not before eating dinner.
I nuzzled my head and sniffled. We said our I love yous and good nights.


(M/n)'s pov

I quickly got ready and made sure ciel  got his medicine and eral grey tea and was not to hot nor cold since he was sick. And I got to work in the basement because i really wanted to clean it out(all.of a sudden). I was busy going through ciels parents belongings I knew not to throw this away but we got many rooms in this mansion to pack it nicely and neatly. As I was looking through the stuff I saw a blue small chest like box in one of the cupboards in the basement I sat down and opened it carefully. There was a letter in the in the box and it to me?
Da fuck okay...

Dear (m/n)

This ring I will give to you because I see you are the true love for ciel the way he looks at you so much love and compassion it reminds me of when I was in love. (M/n) what I or shall I say Vincent and I want you to have this ring its been past down many generations of lovers of the Phantomhive family now onto the (l/n) family thank you (m/n) when we heard you and ciel wanted to get married we were so happy to give our son to you we love you so here it is the ring we want to give you.

Love Rachel and Vincent Phantomhive.

I lifted the cloth off of the wedding box I was so happy I was going to marry the one I love.


My dude?

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