x. see you around Eddie Kaspbrak

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When Lola saw Richie, she almost cried out of joy that he wasn't dead. But the fact that Richie was yelling at a demon clown, made her almost cry out in fear.

"Want to play truth or dare? Here's a truth, you're a sloppy bitch!" Richie baby shut the fuck up please, "Yeah that's right, let's dance! Yippie ki yay motherfucker-"

The deadlights caused Richie's arms to fall droopy and his eyes roll back to white. His lifeless statue made Lola scream. She already lost her baby, she didn't want to lose Richie too. The loud booming sounds of the deadlights covered the sound of Eddie's fence post being thrown into the mouth of the demon. Richie's body fell to the floor, his eyes in a daze. When Lola rushed over to him, it was like he was still in the deadlights.

"Richie come on baby!"

He looked at her, but she didn't think he was paying any attention. He was in a daze, he was out of it. The demon had fallen back, coughing up flames it looked like while it stumbled back and impaled itself with one of the spikes of the sculpture that wasn't damaged. It seemed dead. And they all hoped it truly was this time.

Eddie sat almost on Richie's lap, shaking the other man's shoulders, trying his best to get him out of his daze, "Richie listen! I think I got it man! I think I killed it! I did it! I think I killed it for rea-"

Eddie was stabbed right through his stomach with a sharp claw of one of Pennywise's legs. His blood splattered onto both of Lola, the blood staining her clothing and her skin, and Richie, Eddie's blood splattering onto his face, clothes and some of his glasses. Richie looked up at his best friend with his mouth open and eyes wide. His life continued to crumble down. Eddie's hands went to grab at his stomach, only to see the spike still protruding through his body. Blood was dripping out of his mouth by now.

His voice called out like a cry for help, "Richie..." he turned to Lola, who was trying to contain her cries and screams, and who's hand was on Eddie's arm along with the other on her husband's, "...L..."

Pennywise let out a laugh before tossing Eddie's body around the room like a rag doll.

Richie could only then call his name back, "Eddie..."

Pennywise then let go of Eddie, letting his body fall into a small cave. The group was there in an instant, Lola and Richie being the first ones there. Mike and Bill sat Eddie up from his injured stomach, his blood everywhere at this point in time. Lola walked behind Richie, ripping the man's leather jacket off, and scrunching it up. It seemed that Richie was in such a state of shock that he couldn't move. Lola had placed Richie's jacket over Eddie's wound and wiped the blood on his face away with her thumb. The demon continued to taunt at them, clawing and destroying the rocky entrance to the cave.

Ben appeared from a hole on the side, "guys there's another way out," Ben had really been turned into the leader of the loser's club.

Lola could see that Eddie was trying to say something, "when I s-saw the leper..." he lifted his hand, "I made him this small," he made a gap between his fingers of about a centimeter.

Lola looked around the group, all looking at each other then at Lola, "we have to make him small."

Richie just wanted to get out and get Eddie to a hospital. Richie grabbed hold of Eddie, along with the help of Bill, and Lola carrying the now bloody jacket walked through the cave and to another entrance to the main lair. Beverly walked ahead, before falling back a bit to not be seen by the clown.

Richie sat Eddie down, before sitting down in front of him, "hey we're gonna get out of here Eddie," he was trying to keep him awake as possible.

"Richie...I need to tell you something..." Eddie's head was down, the blood still drooling out.

"What is it? What is it, buddy?"

Lola had known of Richie's crush on Eddie from even before the two got together. She knew of Richie's sexuality, she knew why the accident in the arcade with Bowers was so big to Richie. She knew everything.

Eddie took a second to catch his breath, "...I fucked your mum," Eddie chuckled at his own joke while Richie looked at him with a deadpan expression. Lola even giggled at Eddie's joke, even if it wasn't what Richie was hoping to hear. Lola sat beside Eddie, hugging his arm, while he looked his fingers with her other hand. Richie looked at the two, his heart being shared between two.

"Princess...stay here..." Richie stood and ran towards the other's, who was now climbing into the center of the sculpture.

Eddie's breathing was becoming unstable and raged, "you won't forget me, will you?"

Lola didn't want to think of what would happen if Eddie did die down in the lair of a demon, but it had to be thought of, "me? Forget? Never," he smiled, his face hurting. He always adored her British accent. She looked up to him, wiping her thumb on his chin to get rid of the blood once again, "you know, Richie loves you a lot," if Richie wasn't going to tell him, she had to.

"I know, ever since we were kids," he looked to his side, to see Lola smiling with wide eyes, "he doesn't hide it very well."

She giggled slightly, "oh the cleverness of you."

His breathing became dry and harsh, "thank you for being my best friend Lola 'Sunshine' Duffey."

The tears had begun in her eyes, "thank you Eddie 'wheezer' Kaspbrak...you were so brave...so very brave."

And she witnessed Eddie's head droop down, his chest no longer rising and falling and the breathing didn't leave his mouth or nose anymore. Eddie Kaspbrak was dead.

"See you around Eddie Kaspbrak."

Lola buried herself into his side, sobbing into his dirty jumper, while seeing Richie running back to the two after defeating the clown, with a wide smile on his face.

"Hey man. We got Pennywise man, we got him."

There was no response, and Richie's eyes turned to his wife, who cried into the dead man's shoulder. He couldn't believe it was real. He didn't want to believe it was real. He placed his hand on Eddie's injured cheek, waiting for an 'ouch' or a 'fuck off'. Nothing.


"He's gone," Bill had placed a hand on Richie's shoulder.

"He's alright. He's just hurt, we gotta get him out of here, he's hurt, Ben, chill, we've gotta get him out of here, Bev..." he was frantically trying to get everybody to just listen to him.

"Richie..." Beverly was crouched next to Lola, trying her best to pull the other woman off Eddie.

"...what?" his words were harsh and full of emotion.

"Ho-honey, he's dead," Beverly was now crying.

The lair had begun to fall, rocks falling from the walls and the sky. Beverly hugged Lola, before dragging her away as best as she could before Bill took over. Lola could see Richie grabbing onto Eddie's body and pulling his in for a hug, even giving him a small kiss on the head before being dragged away. Lola kicked and screamed to be let go, very much the same as her husband. And it continued even when being dragged outside of a collapsing Neibolt. Bill took over Ben's spot of holding a screaming Richie back as he grabbed onto Lola who walked back into the front yard of the Neibolt house. But she didn't struggle, she collapsed as well. Ben wrapped her up into his strong arms and fell with her. She sobbed into his arms, as he tried to contain his own tears.

"He's gone..." Ben had placed his chin on the top of her head, listening to both the pain of Lola and Richie, "he's really gone."


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