Chapter 8

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          to be completely honest I have no idea where this story is going but i'm just writing random shit now lmao. Sorry for not updating, i'm kinda dead inside at the moment.

Pansy Parkinson and Ginny Weasley both sprinted into the Great Hall at the same time. What they saw was chaos. 

"Is that... Draco? With Merebitch?" Pansy wondered aloud.

Ginny wrinkled her nose.

"And there's Mione, with Seamus?"

"Bruh, what the fuck is going on? First I see Ron with that horrible Cho Chang, and now all the power couples are playing tonsil hockey with other people." Pansy grumbled.

"I don't know, I lost Blaise a while ago." Ginny sighed.

"Uh, Gin? Don't look now, but I think I found your missing man." Pansy cringed

"Where?" Ginny whipped around and grimaced. "oh"

The two women turned around to shield themselves from the mind-boggling sight of Blaise Zabini kissing Lavender Brown.

"Ok, we have to think. Let's get a sample of a drink and test it in the Potions classroom."

"You think the drinks caused this?"

"Remember Dray and Mione talking about how the drinks had a funny aftertaste?"

"Oh yeah! See this is why you're in Slytherin and not me."

"... Gin that makes no sense."


"Let's go" Pansy said while laughing and shaking her head.

They grabbed a firewhiskey glass and rushed towards the Potions classroom.

Six other people saw them leave and followed.


Hermione had a horrible headache. Her vision was blurry as well, but she could feel someone's arms wrapped around her. 

She blinked until she got her sight back, only to find the person embracing her was not Draco.

It was Seamus Finnigan. And Hermione didn't think he was particularly sober, because there was a glaze over his eyes and they didn't really focus.

She tugged herself out of his arms and excused herself.

"I'll be right back, just running to the ladies room."

Seamus nodded, walking off in a daze.

"What the hell?" Hermione murmured out loud.

She snapped her fingers.

the drinks! she thought

She kicked off her heels so she could move faster and stowed them in her purse.

After she accio'd a glass of firewhiskey, she ran to the Potions room.

Hermione burst through the doors into the classroom, only to find that she wan't alone.

"What are you guys doing here? What's going on?"


Pansy and Ginny reached the classroom and got out their cauldrons and vials.

The doors slammed back open and they jumped.

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