Chapter 7

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Hermione Granger was worried.

She had not seen Draco for a few hours and was thinking the worst.

What if he fell into the great lake? What if he was kidnapped? What if someone avada'd him? What if he got sucked into a black hole and is now in a parallel universe where Meredith Umbridge is his wife instead of me?

She scrunched up her face and shuddered at her last thought.

Hermione took a deep breath and sighed. She felt a calming tingle run through her body, and she started to daydream.

She had never really thought about how handsome Seamus Finnigan was until this moment.

His eyes.

His hair.

His way of magically exploding whatever he touched.

He sure was a special guy.

Snap out of it! You love Draco!

She shook her head, confused.

What the hell?

The Malfoy woman felt the tingling slowly start again and she started to panic.

She rushed to the great hall and looked around. Hermione had just spotted Draco in the corner when the tingling became unbearable.

She had one final thought before succumbing to the potion.

Was that pink lipstick on Draco's cheek?


Ginny Weasley was nauseous. 

After having that martini earlier, she had felt a tingling in her stomach that made her want to throw up.

To make matters worse, her husband had run off five minutes ago in a daze.

"When i find that man, I'm going to Avada him." She grumbled moodily.

She walked into the bathroom to splash her face with water when another wave of nausea hit her.

Ginny's hand flew to her mouth and she rushed into a stall.

While she was emptying the contents of her stomach, she felt a rush of cold air.

"Who dares enter my bath- oh it's you, are you okay?

Ginny nodded and went back to the sink.

"Should I summon Madam Pomfrey?" Myrtle asked hesitantly.

"No thanks, I'm okay now." She smiled at the young ghost.


Pansy Parkinson was heartbroken.

She had been wandering around Hogwarts to try and find those secret places she had never managed to discover, when she spotted a familiar mop of flaming red hair. 

She smiled slightly and started to walk towards him.

She snuck up behind the youngest male Weasley and threw her arms around his neck. 

Ron jerked and shoved her arms away.

Pansy stepped back, confused.


Ron gave her a harsh stare and snorted.

"Only my girlfriend is allowed to do that."

Pansy's eyes narrowed and she was fuming.

"Girlfriend? Bitch, we've been married for ten years, and now you have a girlfriend?!" she snarled.

Pansy stopped yelling for a minute and wrinkled her nose.

"Wait a second, only two girls wear that skanky ass perfume." she paused, "I can not believe you, Ron! Is this a prank? The Ron Weasley I know would never date EITHER of them or anyone other than me for that matter, because the Ron Weasley I know loves me with all of his heart."

Ron gave her a weird look and yanked his wand out of his pocket.

"I don't like the way you're talking about my girlfriend."

Pansy felt a tingling start spreading through her and jerked backwards.

"What the fuck did you do? What spell is this?"

Ron looked confused, but still didn't lower his wand.

"What do you mean? I didn't cast a spell."

All of a sudden, an annoying, high-pitched voice broke through her thoughts.


She rolled her eyes and sighed.

Not this bitch.

But the person who waltzed up and pressed herself against Pansy's husband wasn't the person she was expecting.

While Ron was distracted, she took off and sprinted away from those two lovebirds.

She pushed away the tingling feeling with her need for revenge.

Cho Chang would not steal her man.


While all this chaos was going on, a masked blonde woman was watching from the Room of Requirement with a sinister smile on her face.

Oh, what fun.

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