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Continuing from the last part..

Bela backs off from the hug and looks into mahir's eyes.

Mahir - Accha I will put leave for office today we will go out..what say?

Bela - as you wish

Mahir - ok get ready we will go out in some time

Bela - ji

Bela gets ready while mahir informs Sumi about they going out to which she happily accepts. Mahir comes to his room and sees Bela tieing her saree, he comes towards her and holds her saree and he helps her to tie it to which bela blushes hard.

Mahir - shall we go?

Bela noddes her head in yes.

Mahir holds Bela hands and takes her down, he opens the car door for her and makes her sit and then he also sits and starts the car.

Bela - mahir ji where are we going?

Mahir - where do you wanna go?

Bela - I..I wan..t

Mahir - arre tell na

Bela - I wanna go for shopping mahir ji

Mahir - I expected this Bela! Girls always wants to do shopping right?

Bela - no mahir ji..I won't do too much(with a pout)

Mahir - Accha chill I didn't tell anything now

They both giggle and soon reach the shop. Bela goes inside and starts seeing sarees for her.

Mahir - Bela! Are you taking sarees?

Bela - Haan

Mahir - arre Bela not sarees take some short dresses na like you wore on that day

Bela's face turns red and hits mahir chest playfully.

Bela - jokes apart!! Now help me na I'm not able to choose

Mahir immediately picks a red colour saree and shows it to Bela.

Mahir - Bela try this na you look damm hot in red

Bela - mahir! We are out, this is not our room. So stop flirting with your wife

Mahir - if my wife is so sexy how can control myself

Bela glared at mahir hiding her blush.

Soon Bela selects some sarees for her while mahir picks a red colour saree without bela's notice.

Mahir to himself - I'll gift you this on our special day

He smiles and goes to Bela and soon they go from there.

Soon a month passes after behir's marriage. They still don't share a normal wife and husband relation but even without there knowledge they are going more close to eachother day by day. Bela is still confused about her feelings for mahir while mahir was sure that he loves Bela more than anything in his life.

Mahir's pov - it's been a month we are married and my love for Bela is growing every sec. She is the best thing that ever happened in my life. But I should soon express my feelings for her. But does she love me ? What if she don't love me? No I have seen the love in her eyes...
It's ok let me first make sure that she has feelings for me then I'll propose her. I'll wait for it, anyhow she's already mine.

While mahir is thinking of Bela sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap Bela calls his name to which mahir comes to his senses.

Bela - mahir ji what are you doing..

Mahir - arre Bela why are you shouting

Bela - then what should I do? I told you na that we are going for dinner tonight and what are doing here with your laptop? You are not even working instead you are seriously thinking of something. Did you come across some new girl?? (With a angry pout)

Mahir - arre Bela what are you saying? Why would I think of someother girl when I have such a hot and cute wife with me

He says this by pulling her towards him making her fall on his chest.

Bela - mahir ji what are you doing

Mahir - I like it

Bela - what ?

Mahir - you being jealous

Bela - (pouting) I'm not jealous..shall we go out now?

Mahir and Bela gets ready and soon they reach a restaurant.
Mahir holds Bela hands and takes her inside, he pulls the chair and makes her sit and he too sits opposite to her.

To be continued..



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