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Continuing from the last part...

On day when mahir and Bela are discussing about the new project Bela receives a call from bela's mom, Rohini

Bela - hello maa

Person - I'm not your mother.. i found her on the road..seems like she had got a heartattack. I'll join her in the hospital you please come fast

Bela - ji

Tears start flowing from bela's eyes and she immediately turns to leave but mahir holds her hands.

Mahir - Bela! What happened? You look so tensed

Bela - mahir maa!

Mahir - what happened to maa

Bela - maa hospital...

Mahir understands that something is wrong and without asking anything else he takes Bela to the hospital. Bela immediately rushes to the reception and enquiries about Rohini and goes to that room.

Bela is crying continuosly while mahir is trying to console her. Dr comes out

Bela - Dr how is my mom

Dr - Bela we have to operate her now.. she again got a heart stroke

Mahir - Dr how much does it cost?

Dr - 15 lakhs

Bela - mahir please can you pay it now.. I'll pay you back later please mahir (stammering)

Mahir - Bela! You no need to ask. She is my mom also, you sit there I'll pay and come

Mahir pays the required money and goes back to Bela while dr's starts the operation.
After an hour the operation is completed and the Dr comes out.

Dr - no need to worry she's out of danger

Bela - thank you Dr. Can I meet her?

Dr - yes she will be shifted to the general ward you can go and meet her

Mahir - thank you Dr.

Bela goes inside and asks mahir to wait outside.

Bela - maa are you fine?

Rohini - haa beta I'm completely fine.. but where did you get the money?

Bela - mahir paid it

Rohini - mahir?

Bela - Haan maa (she tells everything to her).. maa I can't take this all anymore, it's better I marry rocky as soon as possible

Rohini - haa beta I'll talk to him..

Nurse - mam she needs some rest

Bela - ji..maa you take rest I'll be out

Bela goes out and goes near mahir.

Mahir - Bela! Did you call dad? He must be worrying about maa na..!

Bela - mahir dad is no more why dont you understand (little loud)

Mahir - what? What do you mean Bela..what happened to him
Bela you have to answer me today.. being the owner of Sharma's industries you are living in a small house and working somewhere.. you even don't have money for the operation?
Dr told me that mom is suffering from this from past an year.. and now you are saying that dad is no more. What is this Bela I need my answers

Bela - haan... Dad died an year back and because of that Incident only maa got stroke for the first time.. and we don't have our property with us now.
Mahir I can't tell you anything now.. I understand what you are feeling right now but even I can't do anything.... I know you still love me the same but please dont, things are changed, nothing is like before now.. it will better if we just remain as colleagues.
I don't want more problems to come so please, you marry someother and forget me

Bela leaves from there sobbing while mahir sits there and thinks of there past moments... He thinks off all the cute moments they had and how happy they were.

In the evening at Sehgal's house..

Vish calls Bela. (She gets her number from mahir as he will have in the office records)

Bela - haa Vish!

Vish - what Haan? Bela please tell what's happening? What happened to dad?

Bela - mahir told you right? He must have already told you that dad is no more so why are you asking me again

Vish - Bela please...

Bela - no Vish! I can't tell you anything.. and if you can convince mahir to marry again coz I'm not going to come back to his life

Before Vish could say anything Bela cuts the call. Vish sees Sumi standing near her room door.

Vish - maa when did you come?

Sumi - when you were taking to Bela! What happened beta

Vish says Sumi about Anurag death and Rohini surgery... And she also tells how Bela told mahir to marry again.

Sumi - whatever is the reason I can't see mahir like this.. he should get married

Vish - but maa Bela!..

Sumi - no Vish.. I have decided that mahir will marry again. I have even seen the girl for him

To be continued....😉

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