chapter 2 - i'm so sorry!

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jaehwa pov

taehyung left and i entered my apartment with my sushi. i placed the bag on the dining room table and started to set the table. i took my school work and just moved it to the other side of the table. i put down a small plate, a little bowl, chopsticks and a glass of water. diner was served.

as i ate my sushi i scrolled through my instagram page as i had no one to talk to. don't get me wrong, i absolutely love being alone but when it comes to the evening, i do get a little lonely. i finished my last bit of sushi, put my phone down and cleaned everything up.

i decided to finish off all of the school work i had to do. my designs were not actually that bad. my homework was just to complete 3-5 designs. i only had 2 more to do and then i would be finished and have a total of 5 designs for a clothing line. yes, you could say that i am a bit of an over achiever at school but i honestly couldn't care any less. i love what i study and want to do good in school.

after about 2 hours of designing, it was 10pm. i packed my school bag for monday with all my designs and folders inside of it, placed it by the front door and headed to the kitchen again. i grabbed a glass of water and headed into the living room to keep watching my netflix series. i snuggled into my new fluffy blanket, turned on my series and just binged for the night.

- time skip -

is it really 1am already? i thought to myself as i checked the time on my phone. i turned the tv off, went to my bathroom and washed my face with water and cleaned my teeth. i quickly brushed through my hair and headed back into my room and got changed into my grey sweat pants and a white crop top. just as i was about to hop into my bed the door bell went off.

who would come around now? at this time? it is literally 1am in the morning. i got out of my bed and headed over to my door.

"how come your still up?" taehyung said as i opened the door.

"taehyung? what are you doing here at 1:30 in the morning?" i asked him as i leaned against the door.

"hey, i asked first." he said and pouted.

"omg okay. i was watching my netflix series and lost track of time. i was just about to go to bed actually." i responded to him. "why are you still up?" i questioned.

"well, i just finished my deliveries." he said with a smile.

"now?! this late?!" i said. honestly i was really shocked and surprised. does taehyung really work this late?


"and what brings you to my apartment?" i asked him as i was curious to why he was standing in front of my door.

"well, i kinda forgot my keys and my roommate whom i share my apartment with won't open the door so i was wondering if i could stay the night?" he asked looking at his apartment door and then back to me.

i looked at taehyung with hesitant eyes as we just met six hours ago but in the end i let him come in.

"yeah sure, come in." i opened the door even further and let taehyung in.

"thank you so much jaehwa. i swear to god my roommate really likes to piss me off sometimes." he said.

"that's fine. make yourself at home! i'll prepare the guest room for you. just one second." i walked over to the guest room, put some new shampoo bottles and shower gels in the shower and just fixed up a few things.

"wow, jae, you have a really nice place. wait, do you mind if i call you jae?" taehyung said as he walked over to the living room.

"nope i don't mind at all and thanks. my place should be about the same size as yours right?" i asked him.

"yep, around the same size, just a different layout."

"do you want anything to drink?" i asked taehyung.

"nope, i'm fine."

"alrighty. i don't have any clothes for you to change in, so you're going to have to sleep in your work clothes." i said nervously.

"that's fine. i don't mind." taehyung replied with a smile.

"is there a specific time that you have to wake up at?" i asked.

"nope! but i'll make sure to be gone by 12 or so."

"no omg it's fine! stay for as long as you need to." i responded.

taehyung and i chatted until 2am and started heading to bed.

- the next morning -

10am. it was the second day of december. december 2nd.

i had just woken up from my sleep, the sunlight shining through my curtains making my room a little bright. i stood up and went over to the kitchen to make some breakfast for taehyung and i.

as i started making my coffee, i heard taehyung coming into the kitchen.

"morning taehyung." i said with a smile.

"morning." taehyung said in his deep morning voice. i swear to god it's deeper than the oceans see beds.

"how did you sleep." i asked

"not bad actually."

"ah good. would you like any coffee?"

"yeah sure. also, no need to be polite. just talk comfortably with me. oh and also, you can call me tae if you want."

"cool. i probably will. sugar in your coffee?"

"mmmmh yes please and milk." he replied.

i made our coffees and decided to make breakfast later, or maybe even go out. tae and i sat on the couch and just talked for a while. we found out that we actually go to the same university but because taehyung is one year older, we aren't in the same year.

"so how many years do you have left?" taehyung asked me.

"well, this is my first year so 2 and a half more years to go before i graduate. how about you?"

"i have 1 and a half years left."

"ahh cool." i said while sipping the last bit of coffee.

"hey jaehwa, should we go out for breakfast? maybe eat at a nice café?" he suggested.

"yeah sure! why not. let me go get dressed and changed first. your towels and washing gels are all in the bathroom for you."

"thank you!"

we both went into our rooms, quickly had showers and got changed. taehyung wore the same clothes from yesterday and i just wore a black cropped long sleeved shirt and blue high waisted skinny jeans. we put on our jackets and left my apartment.

as we walked the streets of new york we both decided on going to starbucks for breakfast. we didn't feel like anything fancy so we just got a coffee and something to eat.

"hello and welcome to starbucks! what can i do for you?" the starbucks employee asked me.

"hi! can i have a hot chocolate please." i told them.

"alright. under which name should i place the order on?"


"okay. would you like anything else?" he asked.

i ordered the pancakes and payed for my food and drinks. taehyung ordered after me and we both waited for our drinks. we chatted a bit until we heard our names being called.

"a black coffee for taehyung!" an employee said loudly.

tae went over and got his drink, the food in his hand in a bag.

"and a hot chocolate for jaehwa!"

i also went over with my pancakes in my hand to grab my drink. as i grabbed my drink i quickly headed back to taehyung.

as i tried to hold everything i accidentally bumped into someone, spilling my hot chocolate over him and myself. as the hot drink covered my clothes and jacket, i quickly apologised.

"i'm so sorry!"

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