⁶snip snip

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Ayla held the scissors steadily to her forehead and with one quick snip, chunks of hair fell to the floor, floating down like feathers.

You're in control now, Ayla thought to herself.

She pushed her newly cut bangs out of her face, leaving them side-swept, trying to decide if she liked them or not. She liked them.

"Fuck you, Ayla! What the actual fuck, you bastard! I can't believe you just did that over some stupid boy!"

Ayla ignored Grace's screams, picking up the scattered hair off the floor, dropping them into the toilet and flushing.

"You're absolutely ridiculous! Cutting your fucking hair over some fucking idiot! Let me in, you jackass!" Grace howled as she banged on the door.

"You're the ridiculous one for confessing my feelings to that 'idiot'. You had no right to do that," Ayla calmly answered back. She set the scissors in the cabinet, messed with her newly cut hair one last time and braced herself as she opened the bathroom door.

Grace stood mere inches from Ayla, brows set and a fiery stare looking back towards the blonde girl. "You're so stupid," Grace tutted. She stepped back, allowing Ayla to pass.

"I know. There's no need to tell me," Ayla remarked, fumbling with her bangs and setting herself down on her bed. "Do you like them?"

"I-" Grace paused, mouth agape. "They look nice. Just... you could have handled this much more maturely."

Ayla gave Grace a look, "You're the one telling me I should have handled this situation more maturely?"

"Okay, okay, I know I did overreact a bit but come on, Aye. Its Sirius Black, hes never tried to make peace with me." Grace walked in front of Ayla and tugged on her left earlobe, face stone cold. She paused, trying to think through what she was going to say with her mouth slightly agape. "I-" another pause, dark furrowed brows, thoughts cranking like gears. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't... Ayla really, I didn't mean to hurt you like that. He just... I don't know."

Ayla knew that took a lot for Grace to say. Grace had always been closed off and hated being vulnerable, whether it was apologizing or merely giving a hug. Ayla knew why of course, Graces dad had left her when she was ten and Ayla supposed she hadn't gotten over that. She expected that though. Ayla wouldn't have been able to get over it either.

"Its okay. It just... I'm really embarrassed. We sit next to them now and we cant just change seats. You were right. I literally have only talked to him like... I don't know, a few times. And now the only thing he knows about me is that I'm some freak that's been obsessed with him since forever! Kill me now, Grace, kill me."

Grace took a seat next to Ayla, putting a tentative hand on her shoulder. "You'll survive. And if... James... does bring anything up, it will finally get stuck in your head that he was a shithead the whole time," a playful smirk spread across her face, leading the blonde to follow in suit.

The two sat in silence, thoughts ricocheting off the walls of Ayla's brain and slowly rising to the tip of her tongue like a balloon ready to burst. "Grace, are you ever going to stop hating Sirius?"

The silence was bitter now. "You're being ridiculous."

"Am I? I'm tired of all this. It's been six years now. Aren't you over it? It's obvious that the boys are," Ayla spat. She was annoyed, she was sick of having to hear the constant attacks on a poor group of friends that they barely knew. It was becoming all too much. She just wanted to get to know them, that's all.

Grace rolled her deep brown eyes and looked to the floor, "Why are you always on their side? It's like you're trying to fight over this."

"I'm not. I just hate always having to hate them just because you cant get over some grudge you have against Sirius."

"You don't even care."

"I do! I just want you to understand ho-"

Grace abruptly stood from the cushioned sheets, eyes losing their usual fire and turning to a deep and shuddering ice cold stare towards the corner of the room. "I'll see you tomorrow in Potions... Sorry."

"Grace, come on-" Ayla tried to plead but to no avail. Grace had left the dorm, just like the day Grace had left the library, leaving complete havoc in her wake. Complete havoc.

 Complete havoc

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